The key is to be aware of the physical, physiological, biological - TopicsExpress


The key is to be aware of the physical, physiological, biological pain, and in that awareness not get involved with id psychologically. Being aware of the physical pain - and the psychological involvement with it which intensifies the pain and brings about anxiety, fear - and keeping the psychological factor entirely out requires a great deal of awareness, a certain quality of aloofness, a certain quality of unattached observation. Then that pain does not distort the activities of the mind; then that physical pain does not bring about neurotic activity of the mind. I do not know if you have noticed, when there is a great deal of pain, how the mind, not being able to resolve it, gets involved with the pain and its whole outlook on life is distorted. The awareness of this whole process is not a matter of determination, a matter of a conclusion or saying that one must be aware; then you create a division and therefore more conflict. Whereas when you intelligently observe the movement of pain and the psychological involvement with that pain, and the distortion in action and in thought, then physical pain can be dealt with or acted upon fairly reasonably. That is comparatively easy. But what is not easy and is rather complex is the whole field of psychological pain, grief and sorrow. That requires much more, much clearer examination, closer observation and penetration. From childhood we human being, wherever we are, get hurt. We have so many scars, consciously or unconsciously; there are so many forms of being hurt. We have shed tears, quietly or openly, and out of that hurt we want to hurt others, which is a form of violence; and being hurt we resist, we build a wall around ourselves never to be hurt again. And when you build a wall around yourself in order not to be hurt, you are going to be hurt much more. From childhood through comparison, through imitation and conformity we have stored up these great many hurts and, not being aware of them, all our activities are responses based on these hurts. JK
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:36:09 +0000

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