The key to success lies in ones mentality. In particular, ones - TopicsExpress


The key to success lies in ones mentality. In particular, ones attitude about hard work, discipline, and sacrifice will determine how far one goes. Because of the mental aspect of success, there tend to be certain thoughts that occur in the minds of the unsuccessful as opposed to those that occur in successful individuals when considering what it will take to reach a particular goal. The unsuccessful will often ask, How long will it take?, while successful individuals will say, No matter how long it takes! The unsuccessful will ask How much more do I have to go through?! The successful will say, adamantly, No matter what I have to go through or how much I have to go through!! The unsuccessful will spend considerable energy focusing on how external factors and circumstances are stopping them from succeeding, how its little to no fault of their own that they havent achieved, how everyone and everything else is to blame. The successful understand that the will to win comes completely from within, that no matter what, their success or failure is on them, and them alone, no one or nothing else. This realization causes the successful to pursue their goals relentlessly, for the vast majority of their effort is in overcoming obstacles that would stop others, often giving the false impression that such obstacles dont exist. The key is in wether or not your mindset will cause you to find a way out of the difficulty and discomfort of hard work or if your mindset will cause you to push through and persevere until the end.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:13:59 +0000

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