The kindness of others is what has renewed my faith time and time - TopicsExpress


The kindness of others is what has renewed my faith time and time again. When Stormy was born disabled my life forever changed. She was planned, I followed all the pregnancy rules, I read books, I prayed, but nothing could prepare me for what our future held after her birth. Being a parent of a special needs child is HARD! Being a parent of a child with special needs and a life threatening illness, although rewarding, is just down right rough! Im not going to lie, there are times when we struggle. There are also times when things are good and we can splurge. I am so thankful for my customers on this closet page. Without you all Im not sure where Stormy and I would be or how comfortable I would be able to make her life. Every sale is important and every customer is an asset to my page. I try hard to make everyone happy and its when mommas (some that I dont even know and have heard Stormys story through someone else) send love like this that makes my heart smile. You all enable me in so many ways to provide a good life for my daughter and for that I am thankful. I would tag the momma who sent these, but Im not even sure of her name. Maybe MaryBess Gregory can help me out - it was someone on her friends list.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 16:52:07 +0000

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