The kiss and the call is the title of this story... An experience - TopicsExpress


The kiss and the call is the title of this story... An experience that forever changed my life... Double dating can be amazing but my experience was not It started off in Harlem My cousin and I walking down the block We see two lovely young ladies on the other side of the street We both look at each other Then we pick the one we wanted on the count of three (We didnt know any better so dont judge us. We were just two young fellas growing up with a New York mentality... This was a learning experience thats how we shed ignorance... Now back to the story...) As we made our approach I had a feeling from this day forward nothing will ever be the same I had no pickup lines I spoke from the heart I like you but do you like me or not? Moving forward Now were playing hallway games Her, me and them two Moving forward to the night of the kiss It was late night in the park Its her, me, them two and some of there friends Truth or dare comes about Its our turn She picks dare Someone said: I dare you two tongue kiss like were not even here We looked each other in the eyes Beginning to closed them Moving closer in slow motion Lips lock Time slops Her lips were so soft Breath smelled of jolly rancher Taste like green apple My favorite! I wanted to make love to her Then my eyes opened Snapped out of the moment Fast forward to the night of the call At first I didnt notice in the beginning Insightful questioning I thought she was just curious After a few minutes I knew something was different Now lost and confused Shes yelling at me How rude It turns out Im being accused for actions I didnt do My cousin gets caught up cheating She assumed if one cheats then the other must be just like him I then heard the words Its over Followed by a click The first time I was tossed to the side It hurts Almost wanted to cry Luckily I had to much pride She created an animal for the next few years to come Dating hearts just for fun Dumping them by the ones, the twos I didnt care The goal was to never fall in love So if you got to close to my heart I would create away to ripped that feeling apart Flirt with some Date another Looking back now it was all a cover I didnt want to get hurt anymore Not yet realizing that I was hurting others - Jonathan Lamar Boyd
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:40:43 +0000

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