The lackadaisical immigration laws all over Europe have open the - TopicsExpress


The lackadaisical immigration laws all over Europe have open the door for years to all kinds of criminals who are now taking over many countries there. Case in point - Sweden, France, Germany and even England have seen an frightening increase in rape and murders committed by ISLAMIC men and sometimes even women against the citizens and especially women of these countries. The big problem however is that even though one attack after another is committed by ISLAMICS the authorities and local media are so deeply indoctrinated with political correctness they continually refuse to place the blame where it is due stating that "the fact that the attackers happen to be ISLAMIC men has no significance". Really??? REALLY???? I guess reality really does not count to these people. Figures indicate that something like 5000 gang rapes by muslim men take place in France EACH YEAR! In December 2011, a mother of 2 in Sweden was gang-raped by 12 muslim men. She is now in a psychiatric clinic, confined to a wheel chair due to the damage to her abdomen and also suffers from incontinence due to the 7 hour CONTINUOUS rape! This is NOT an isolated case!! In 2011a British woman was brutally raped by 2 Afghan muslims. In 2013 a woman in Stockholm a 22 yr old woman was raped by 8 muslim men, the first of 3 reported gang rapes in that city this year. The list goes on and on. In Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby, Bradford, Blackpool and other places non-muslim teenage girls are frequently kidnapped and taken to muslim only ghettoes where they are drugged and raped. If and when some of these men are caught they perpetually use the defense that in the Islamic culture the age of consent for girls is 9 or 10, therefore the perpetrators "are not aware" that doing such things is illegal! Add to this things like the Woolwich, south-east London attack and murder of an English soldier by 2 muslim men, the continuous harassment of Christians and Jews by Islamic muslims all over the world, including even US and we have a very bleak picture of the REALITY of muslim cruelty! Yet NO ONE is doing ANYTHING significant about this SERIOUS threat against our WHOLE world even though things are getting worse and worse and the truth harder and harder to ignore. My question is this: WHEN ARE WE GOING TO WAKE UP???? And now that immigration laws are becoming more and more lax in this country as well and there are already all kinds of muslim dominated cities in several US states like Michigan and Minnesota are Americans now going to have to look forward to the same "politically correct" attitude and the same kind of blatant assault by muslims against them?? Obviously I cannot but wonder and ask those questions especially since there is a muslim mosque only a few streets away from where I live and my girls go to school with several muslim children. Am I to expect that my GIRLS will start being bullied by muslims and be thought as "fair game" because we do not happen to share the muslim "faith"??? I hope and pray not but, unfortunately the reality is getting more and more frightening and I am left to wonder when, exactly are people going to start speaking up!!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 17:12:47 +0000

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