The large crowd of chiefs and people, including Paa Grant, - TopicsExpress


The large crowd of chiefs and people, including Paa Grant, Danquah, Obestebi- Lamptey, R S Blay, Cobinna Kesse, Ofori-Atta, Ako-Adjei, Akufo- Addo, et al, who gathered on that fateful Saturday of 4th August 1947, 67 years ago, in the historic city of Saltpond, to launch Ghana’s first nationalist organisation, the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC of blessed memory), . Their vision was to build a new modern, united African nation, free of foreign and domestic oppression, which would be grounded on the principles of democratic accountability and the rule of law. Despite the subsequent division of the nationalist movement into its conservative and radical wings with the arrival in the country of Nkrumah four months later, this proved to be the enduring vision of Ghana’s march towards freedom. Ghana attained independence on the 6th of march 1957. 57 years down the line, how far has our economic and social development gone!? In a modern world where governments strive to develop their nations and to push their people up to a higher level, Ghana still have leaders whos aim is to loot and share government funds. 57years , where governments do not think of ways to develop the nation but rather how to win the next election. A nation where government officials go on the airwaves only to discuss matters of their partys interest rather than the nations gain. Ghanaians are indeed fed up also with the lies of a government which always give excuses for unfulfilled promises. A government which takes prayers as means of tackling poor economy rather than hard work . A government which has helped the cedi to fall drastically as compared to other currencies. A nation where creeds and codes for which the nation was built have been thrown into the gutters and peasants sufer for the irresponsibilities of its leaders . This is not the Ghana we know! yes! this is not the nation our fathers built. its time the youth stood up for a change. its time to cry from all corners for a change. change we need and change we want for the betterment of our future. lets change now and move forward. Lets Help in one accord change this government for a well developed Ghana. Forward ever ,backwards never!!!.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:35:09 +0000

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