The largest group of anti-Christians and anti-patriots arent - TopicsExpress


The largest group of anti-Christians and anti-patriots arent atheists. They are Evangelical fundamentalist like this treasonous Judge. He is either lying or is completely ignorant of the history of this country. My comments are not a blanket condemnation of Evangelicals because there are of course good and bad as there is in any group of people. It is the talking heads, church leaders, people in power or have a public following that I am condemning. Fundamentalism is a worldwide problem and it is a serious problem in the U.S. Everyone is abhorrent of the atrocities of Islamic fundamentalist, but every religion has its fundamentalists who take their religious texts literally and usually out of context. In America our dangerous fundamentalists are Evangelical Christians like this judge who is in a position of power to force his faith on others. Our fundamentalist are no different that those in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, or Israel for that matter. The only thing preventing many of them from putting to death, usually cruelly, those who lead a different lifestyle than they do is secular law, which is the foundation of our freedoms. They are intolerant to the point of cruelty of those who believe differently than they do, worship a different god (or the same god with a different name) and against those who use reason and science to form their opinions. They literally hate those of us who oppose subjugation to corporations, anti-intellectualism and creationism. Christian fundamentalist, with their false claim to moral superiority conveniently forget Jesus in Matthew 25: 35-45 (paraphrased), I was hungry and you gave me something to eat [the poor], I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink [those in need], I was a stranger and you invited me in [refugees], I was naked and you clothed me [the poor], I was sick and you looked after me [ACA Obamacare], I was in prison and you visited me...whatever you did for the least of these, you did to me. There are many examples of fundamentalist Christians spouting vicious, horrid things in the name of Christianity. They are too numerous to quote here, but those who really pay attention to these things know who and what they are. Christians who deny it simply are ignoring the rhetoric or not paying attention. Progressive Christians and everyone else should NOT tolerate these people and their radical agenda anymore than you would tolerate neo-Nazis, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood or extremist Muslims. These people are in a position of power because the rest of us have tolerated their extremism for too long. It is time to stand up against them. Time to speak out against them when they make some radical, racist, insensitive comment. Time to condemn them when they abuse and advocate the destruction of the very thing that has protected them from the very beginning of this country, the First Amendment, the separation of church and state.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:15:20 +0000

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