The last bell for the last day of school before the summer holiday - TopicsExpress


The last bell for the last day of school before the summer holiday just rang. You push the class doors open and walk out, being followed by the guy who has a crush on you. But the thing is... Hes not just a normal guy. Hes a nerd. His hair is gelled back, the mark of the bristles of the comb showing. He wears round spectacles that are way too big to sit on his nose bridge. His white long-sleeved polo shirt is buttoned all the way to the neck as its tucked inside his brown pants. A suspender attaches itself from the front of his pants, over his shoulders and on the back of his pants so they wouldnt fall off. On his arms, he carries five stacks of text books, three notebooks and a pencil case. Hey, hey, _____, want to hear an equation? you hear him ask from behind you. What is it now, Minseok? you ask monotonously. He catches up with your speed and walk beside you, pushing the glasses up his nose bridge. Okay... Me plus you equals love, he cackles, snorting a bit loud, sending a couple of stares to your direction. You halt to a stop and turn to your side to face him. Look, you begin. Minseok, youre nice and smart and sweet, but... Im sorry. Youre really just not my type. With those words, Minseoks face is blank as he watches you vanish through the crowded hallway. – When summer ended, it was time for yet another year of high school, but the good thing this time is that youll never have to return next year. Youre in senior high. As everyone greets their friends, hugging and chest bumping and fist pumping, you notice an unfamiliar guy sorting out his stuff by his locker. You notice that the freshmen girls giggle as they wave at him and he would give them a smile back, weakening the girls knees. When he shuts his locker closed, he turns around and from where you are standing, you can see the hotness that is oozing out of him. Biting your lower lip, you begin to walk towards him, his figure getting taller as you grow nearer. He wears a tight shirt that makes the abs from underneath it and the muscles on his arms show. His dirty-blonde dyed hair is styled up in a quiff, making his jaw stand out. Hes wearing black skinny jeans that shows off his well-built thighs. You clear your throat, Hey. The guy turns to face you and his face appears surprised for a moment. Hi, he says. So... Are you new here? Cos I can show you around if you want, you tell him, eyeing him from head to toe. You seriously dont remember me? he says. Your attention goes back to his face and you are confused because according to you, someone as hot as him is never a person to forget. Excuse me? you furrow your eyebrows. Me... he says. Plus you... he continues. Equals love. The moment he finished his sentence, your eyes widen and you take a small step back. M-Minseok?! you ask, too loudly. He starts to laugh and sighs before shortening the distance between you by stepping forward. Yep, thats me, he confirms, pointing to his chest with both thumbs. Youve grown and... And... Youve changed, you stutter. Yeah, well, a new year means a new me, Minseok says. Hey, about last year... you begin, rubbing the back of your neck. ...I didnt know what I was thinking. Y-You... You still like me, right? I mean, a good-looking girl like me and a hot guy like you... Wed make the schools couple. Minseok looks at you before scoffing. Look, he starts off. _____, youre nice and smart and sweet but... Im sorry. Youre not my type... Anymore. And with that, he walks past you, brushing your shoulder as he does. You just stand there, suddenly realising that he said to you what you said to him last year. You shake your head as you turn around, watching him walk through the hallway, smiling at the girls waving at him. - [AHA. AHA. AHAHAHA 😂 You got rejected by Xiumin, LOL. I can see this as a fan-fic. ] #exoimagine #exo #exom #xiumin #_seouldier ©®: @exoimagine
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 11:22:13 +0000

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