The last couple days have been filled with blessings, both - TopicsExpress


The last couple days have been filled with blessings, both received, and given. its a pretty good read. (dang, it got kinda long, butttt its a good story, AND from my heart, so to me, its worth the length:) So I have a very good friend down in Branson Missouri who is an established businessman, and he has lovingly supported our mission in Nicaragua throughout the last couple of years every other month or so (which I cant even put into words how much hes blessed us).. Well he purchased my truck that I needed to sell, to help us out in renting our home when my family and I return to Nicaragua. I drove the truck down to him, night before last, and then took a greyhound bus back to Des Moines. While I was on that bus, I had the opportunity to share my testimony with a Native American Indian, like a LEGIT indian, from the reservations up in the Dakotas. Well while we were on the 4 hour bus ride from Springfield to KC, I offered to share with him (EagleChaser is his name) the other half of my subway sandwich, which sparked conversation, and then the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and why Jesus is necessary for forgiveness for our sins which separate us from God & eternal life. He already believes in a Creator- God, and spirits etc, just not in Christ, and he never understood it. Long story short he JUST got out of a 12 year prison sentence in Virginia, for 2nd degree murder (2 hours before boarding a bus back to the Dakotas he was released from Prison on parole) which he was admittedly guilty of. He was drunk, and tried to kill someone who double-crossed him, and his gf tried to stop him and she was accidentally shot through the heart in the process. Now I am a pretty good judgement of character, as I have nearly seen it all, in my rough around the edges life I have lived for 29 years, and I can usually tell when someone is a genuine good hearted person, and/or fake and full of it. . . This guy Eagle Chaser was a good person, who made a bad decision back when he was my age, and then paid the consequence for his bad decision, and is now starting a brand new life with a second chance. It was crazy, that right before he met me, on the previous bus he had another deep conversation with another man whos trip ended where mine began, and that guy was explaining to him his theory of how everything happens for a reason... Well I made Christ sound like a necessity in this life, (which he is, my friends- I promise you) and that I agree with the previous man, that everything DOES happen for a reason and that I believe God orchestrated it for me to be there to share my testimony, and the Gospel of Christ with this man. When our ways split, and I took the bus from KC to Des Moines, and my new friend went off on another bus his own way, as we departed I told him I had people who had generously helped me out throughout my life with selfless blessings, and I wanted to do the same for him, and though I really need the money for our lives to continue in Nicaragua, I just received a blessing of selling my truck, and was able to give EagleChaser a hundred bucks as he was fresh out of prison with nothing but the sweatpants & sweatshirt he had bought through the years of working his job in prison. Love your neighbor as you love yourselves my friends, and put no other gods before our God the Creator of this world- Those are our two greatest commandments from God, and lastly, Know Jesus, Know peace.... or No Jesus, No peace. I gave EagleChaser my email address, and I hope that this man comes to know Christ as his Savior. Take a second and think about it, how many of us have made mistakes that could have dramatically changed our lives? Driven drunk? Let anger get the best of you? Luckily got away? (I am guilty of all of these from earlier in my life) but dang man, Could you imagine 12 years without ONE. SINGLE. VISIT. from your family while you were across the country in prison? Can you imagine the impactful testimony this man would have, if I continue in contact with him, and introduce him to Christ? From being in Prison on a murder charge, to finding Christ from some random scar-faced dude on the bus who made the Gospel of Christ make sense to him, as it is a requirement of God, and how many others he could reach with his testimony? My Christian friends, dont lose the opportunity to share our Savior with strangers. I ask that you pray that God helps the seed I planted grow in this mans life, and that he may go on to live a great life, on a second chance, as I have been given, and am doing what I can to make the best of it. Tonight is my last night I may ever spend with my greatest blessing in life, my incredible, loving grandma & grandpa. It is so freaking hard to leave them, and to think that this may be the very last goodbye I ever get to tell them in person. . . . . . . . wow man, HOWEVER it is only temporary here on earth, and I will see them again and enjoy their company for ETERNITY. I try my best to make them proud, and that makes it about 1, 1,000,000,000,000th (yes, one - trillionth) easier to leave them, knowing I am doing good for God with my life, and will make them proud of me after a life thats been filled with being in and out of jail since I was a kid. If you ever want to know more about Jesus, send me a message and ask me, my friends. Its the single most important decision you could ever make in your life. Love your neighbor, and serve Him who has blessed us all with our families and children, and grandparents, and spouses and blessings weve been flooded with in our lives. Love YOU my fb friend, BG
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:34:27 +0000

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