The last day of school was a bittersweet one for me. So much has - TopicsExpress


The last day of school was a bittersweet one for me. So much has happened this year in our lives and I couldnt have asked for our sons to be at a better school with any better teachers. They got to know me well this year with me constantly pulling Camden for appointments, having meetings with them and helping Camden through his new journey. Today was a rough day for me. I can honestly say I sat on our couch in tears most of the day. In the midst of it I glanced at the clock and it was 1 pm! I had forgotten the boys had an early out today at 1245!!! I was a mess and threw us and the dog in the van and raced to get the boys. Matt called me halfway there saying the teacher had just called him. I was sobbing. I got to the school and saw the sweet face of the secretary in the front office who always took good care of me and I collapsed in her arms in tears. See, that school isnt just a school, they are a family who love my son too and have been supporting his journey as well. I believe God hand picked Camdens teacher this year. He knew we needed her, HE needed her. She is amazing. I am so happy we dont have to say goodbye to her and will see her throughout the summer. Thank you to all of those at Oveta Culp Hobby who helped and cared for my son this year. You are all angels in my eyes and we are forever grateful. ♡
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 02:38:26 +0000

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