The last few days Ive been looking into David Wilcock, hes very - TopicsExpress


The last few days Ive been looking into David Wilcock, hes very interesting. For those who do not know who he is, he is a researcher in consciousness science, ancient ciliviations, new paradigms of matter and energy ☆ Wilcock, from his perspective knows that we are spiritual beings, I also know that. He says there is one God, creator of the universe, as I have been saying also. He suggests that DNA is everywhere that if and when it lands it will progress into living cells and from there evolve. I loathe the idea in that which God who loves life would put every creature in such pain, and put every creature through having to indulge death for really no reason what so ever. That sin and evilness is sucked up and distinguished, as if sin fades away into the backgound of nature. Sin becomes as natural as plants and life itself since evolution exists. Jesus also becomes less meaningful since it replicates the same amount of faith to believe Jesus preformed miracles and rose again as it does in evolution can produce new kinds from other different kinds. You can only be faithful to one. Do not consider both ☆ David Wilcock agrees that Jesus IS A REAL EXISTING PERSON full to his standard in that Jesus performs miracles, rises again and knows exactly what he is teaching about. In the new testiment Jesus rose from the dead, Jesus manifested to a new being, no longer a man as we are. There were reports that Jesus followers went out of a room leaving him, when they all returned Jesus was gone with out leaving through the door. I am the Truth the Way and the Life, no one (no one) comes to the Father but through me* John 14:6 ☆ Wilcock if you watch and examine his videos from places like Youtube and his website Divinecosmos you will find real fascinating claims. He mentions that there are natural star gates and moden star gates or jump room which transports you from one place to another in no time at all. For example he mentions there being a number of these placed around the world. So a man walks into which looks like a normal every day lift, the doors close behind as they should, then reopen again. The man/woman will feel a little weird, he preclaims from other people who he has interveiwed that the one who goes into these lifts will experiences a feeling that feels like a punch to the stomach. Feeling vary sick however they will leave the lift knowing that they are now on Mars. There are a suppose 240,000 people including E.Ts in which only 10,000 people were born on earth ☆ Linking closely to this David Wilcock also mentions that there are space ships deep in space, Im talking on the edge of our galaxy, the nearest star to ours is 5,000 light years away. Indeed though David is only saying this stuff, believe in or not he says, it is totally optional. He also speaks of 57 types of humans through out the galaxy, they vary in sizes from 1 odd foot tall to 14 feet tall. Just to mention that all the humans out in space are in preportion of there hight. The 14 foot humans, which he talks of them wearing helmets so their face is not shown, and when in meetings they prefer to stand rather than sit, he claims that they are very intimidating in doing so. They inherit psychopathic abilities, in fact according to David all 57 types of human do but us. Anyway they treat humans as objects and make us think thoughts that we would choose not to ☆ Now i want to touch onto the chair yes the chair. Basically as you are seated in the chair you are enble to think of such a place, say the two mice galaxcies 300 million light years away, and your there in no time. It is your thought processor which enable reality. This is why UFOs simply fanishing into thin air. We have apparently seaged one of these UFOs control chairs, in that it is really only the chair you need to open time portals. They tested the chair, for how long I am not sure. However they would get a volunteer to sit in th echair and think thoughts, they would appear as a opening. David Wilcock says that they used homeless and children to go into the portals. He recalled many died, for it takes your thought to get them out again. Daniel which took part in this, was interveiwed by David Wilcock, this is why he claims all this. I now want to get on to the 2012 part. In 2012 according to David a force in space is proceeing for our solar system, unstopable and when it hits our solar system the truth will be main open. The 2012 Enigma the name of the event which will alter the earths axcis, according to this the affects of this are occuring already such as globle warming, increase in wars, and fanom as Jesus pretold. Jesus will return in other words ☆ The Bermuda Triangle is a nature star gates says David, the same thing will occur to the whole earth in 2012. As Jesus said, two will be in a field one will be left, two will be plowing a mill one will be left. In conjunction of David this is what Jesus was speaking of. The rapture where some will remain and others will disappear, in that depending on your spiritual health as it were you will transend else where, where I do not know? To Gods kingdom I believe. Evermore about these superhumans powers such as time travel, like the chair we are able to travel in time to destinations of our choice without the need of any space craft, in that we have evoled our spiritual being in within us. We we be able to fly, see, read thoughts, freeze time etc... in addition of this the mark of the beast, Jesus said, only those who trust in me will be saved from eternal death by resisting sin, and accepting me into your life. David speaks on about being disconected from God in refusing His existance and doing evil (going mans way) ☆ By the that when John talks of the mark of the beast; well for the the mark of the beast according to Wilcock is shutting off the biological connection which in the pineal gland located in the middle section of your brain, it is filled with water. To enable your pineal gland to not be in use as well as it should be the Illuminati (secret world organistion) make our water from our taps not as pure as it should be. Anyways the pineal gland when out of use is deactived is the mark of the beast. According to the bible once you have the mark of the beast your ability to enter eternal life is closed. I am confused in that if you use these super powers that means you lose your faith in God and will enable to not be allowed into heaven. Like Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpant telling them they will become like gods. God will again test us in whether will will resist these super powers for the faith some of us hold.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 06:24:56 +0000

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