The last few weeks have been amazing in so many ways, the stories - TopicsExpress


The last few weeks have been amazing in so many ways, the stories Ive heard, the people Ive spoken to, the hardships, the trials and tribulations, its been exhausting and exhilarating all at once, its been heartbreaking and joyous, so many emotions its hard to put into a few words. I am reminded of something very important, a time when my own children were very little and I had nothing to give the except my love ( and Id like to think I gave that in bucket loads) we struggled through each day and lived from hand to mouth sometimes, I can remember going without food myself to feed them, they came first, I can recall scrimping and saving from January to November every year to ensure that they had santa gifts, I recall a time when my son needed shoes and I had no money t buy them, a friend gave me her sons shoes for him and although I was grateful I cried myself to sleep in shame, ashamed that I could not provide the basics for my child, it was very hard but it made me very determined, determined to beat the system and show the world that I could take care of my own and provide for them, I didnt need anyone, I went on to go back to college, I ended up working 3 jobs, I bought a house and a car and I made sure my kids never went hungry but it was easier back then, it was tough but it doesnt even come close to how hard things are now for many many people today, the deprivation is beyond belief, the sheer poverty is something I never imagined in all my years, its unreal how people are suffering in this the 21st century. I am at a loss as to how we can overcome this 3rd world situation in the short term but I do believe that we will overcome it, we must stay strong and we must fight back against a corrupt system hell bent on making those who need the most suffer the most, the elite are blind to the reality of the true Ireland, the unseen victims of a greedy leadership, a tyrannical government, a fraudulent banking system which dictates everything, a rotten to the core judicial system where judges, registrars, solicitors and barristers all take care of themselves and dont care one bit about the ordinary people, they take take take from each and every one of us, they bleed us dry and leave us with nothing but crumbs, they try to break us down and destroy what strength we have left...what they dont seem to realize is that the people are waking, we are coming together and we are stronger than they ever imagined, through our misery we have come together and we are growing in number every minute, we can and will save ourselves from this despair, Ireland and her people WILL BE A NATION ONCE AGAIN, AND WE WILL STAND TALL AND PROUD despite our chains. xxx
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:25:39 +0000

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