The last great day will witness the triumph of the law of Jehovah. - TopicsExpress


The last great day will witness the triumph of the law of Jehovah. As the impenitent look upon the cross of Calvary, the scales fall from their eyes, and they see that which before they would not see. The law, Gods standard of righteousness, is exalted even as His throne is exalted. God Himself gives reverence to His law. {21MR 351.1} The result of uplifting this law before the universe is to bring human character to the test, and every man finds his proper place in one of the two classes. He is either holy to the Lord through obedience to His law or stained with sin through transgression. He has either done good, cooperating in faith and works with Jesus Christ to restore the moral image of God in man, or he has done evil, denying the Saviour by an ungodly life. {21MR 351.2} Christ separates them one from another, as the shepherd divides the sheep from the goats, and He sets the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left. {21MR 351.3} No man is accepted because of the position he occupied in this life. No man is praised or justified because through clever schemes or sharp dealing he became rich. Christ says to such a one, That is My property. You have robbed Me of the glory I would have received if you had used your entrusted talents to relieve suffering human beings. You were a receiver, but not a producer. Had you used My money in advancing the gospel of My kingdom, I could now recognize you as a faithful servant. But you withheld the means which you should have imparted. {21MR 351.4} You neglected the widow and the fatherless. In their destitution they cried for help but in your luxuriance you heeded them not, and their cries have entered into My ears. You were given My money to dispense but you did not feed the hungry or clothe the naked. You did not cooperate with Me in My great firm. You did not in love draw near to the members of My family. You loved to be thought rich, but your riches accumulated by the withholding of My money from the poor. This will make you the poorest man on earth. {21MR 351.5} Every act of oppression, of double dealing, of fraud, is registered in My record book. What do your riches profit you? What peace, what happiness have you found from your transactions? Wherein have you magnified the name of your Redeemer? {21MR 351.6} What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? The time of Gods dealing with His unfaithful, rebellious subjects has come. I will impress your minds, ye worldly rich men, with the thought of the heavenly treasure you have lost by seeking to become rich in this worlds goods, so that the gospel treasure lost its value in your eyes. {21MR 351.7} I gave you talents of tact and skill, talents of worldly treasure, that you might cooperate with Me. I would have given you wisdom to enable you to impart aright. I could have made you a channel of communication for My blessings. I could have helped you to reveal My attributes by imputing to others the wisdom and understanding imparted to you. You could have used My gifts without abusing them. But the tempter corrupted your senses. {21MR 352.1} Talents are of value only as they are used to accomplish the design of God. He has given human beings opportunities and privileges that they may make the very most of themselves from a Bible standpoint. If our talents are wisely used, our improvement will be a blessing to ourselves and to others. But where the talent-value is looked at only from a desire to accumulate for selfish purposes, the design of God is not carried out, and serious loss to the Master follows. Those who might have been benefited and relieved fail to receive that help the Lord designed them to have. {21MR 352.2}
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:27:54 +0000

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