The last month has been a tough one. Ive had my share of emotional - TopicsExpress


The last month has been a tough one. Ive had my share of emotional ups and downs. Another holiday season is upon us, and its another season 1,100 miles from my family. Its a season without that certain someone, with whom I thought I would share all future holidays. Although the downs have been difficult and felt like they would never end, they have. Soon enough, Id feel my spirits start to climb. This Thanksgiving, that is what I am most thankful for. Im thankful for the good days, and the people who have made them possible. First and foremost, I am thankful for God. Over the past year-and-a-half, my relationship with Him has grown. I have witnessed and experienced His miracles. I have seen the joy He brings to this world. I have seen the amazing things people do, because of Him. Through Him, all things are possible. Without Him, nothing is. Thank you God, for being by my side. Thank you for never letting me get too low. And thank you for knocking me down when I get too high. I cant begin to express how thankful I am for my two princesses. Naomi and Gabrielle are easily my greatest accomplishments in life. Naomi, with her genuine kindness and her divine soul. I have her to thank for my strong relationship with God. God has chosen her to be a disciple. She gives love and kindness to everyone around her, including complete strangers. She is always the person most concerned with my happiness and well-being. When Im down, she combats my sadness with sweet notes and the most comforting hugs Ive ever received. A parent has never been more proud of their child, than I am of her. For those times when I need a good laugh, God had blessed me with Gabby. She is as sweet as her sister, with the added bonus of being a comedian. She knows shes funny, and she uses it to bring joy to others. Not a day goes by that she doesnt fill our home with laughter. I cherish the sweet lovins she gives me daily. I am thankful for the four greatest parents a guy could ask for. My mom, Denise, with her constant worrying and concern. Although I tell her to stop it, I know its out of love for me. Thank you, mom, for the worrying. Thank you for the timely Hey, how you doing? phone calls. They always come at just the right time. My stepdad, Stanley, who never minds being the brunt of a joke, just to make me smile. Thank you for allowing me to make bald, old man jokes. Thank you for everything youve brought to my life these past 23 years. My father, Loren, who is my own personal Jimminy Cricket. Thank you for always being the calm, level-headed, voice of reason when I get too excited or anxious. Thank you for your Vulcan-like logic, when I am overtaken by emotion. My stepmom, Mary Jo, who greeted me with a smile the first time I met her and hasnt stopped smiling since. Thank you for always being hopeful, always finding the positive in even the most dire situations. You have brought so much love to my life. To all my parents, I can never begin to express how grateful I am for each of you. I am thankful for Jeffie and Gene. I cant thank the two of you enough for all you do for my girls. More than that, I cant thank you enough for all you have done and continue to do, for me. Simple things like inviting me over for dinner or baking me a birthday cake, mean so very much to me. You have made it a point to show me time-and-time again, that no matter what, I will always be your son-in-law. I am proud to call you family. I am thankful for Teresa. Thank you for being such a wonderful, caring boss. You always make sure family comes first. Thank you for allowing me to work as much as I want to. Not only so I can provide for my daughters, but also to keep me busy. It has been very helpful this past month, keeping me from sitting at home to the mercy of my thoughts. God Bless you. Lastly, I am thankful to each of you who has reached out to me in recent weeks. There are far too many to list you all, but I want to take this opportunity to thank two of you specifically. Amy, even though youve been dealing with your own struggles, which make mine look laughable in comparison, you have made it a point to offer words of encouragement and support. All of us MACA parents are blessed to have a caring woman like you to watch over and love our babies. And Sarah, weve been Facebook friends for over a decade now. Even though weve never met in person, you were the first one to reach out to me. Thank you for being such a good listener, letting me say what Ive needed to get off my chest. Your friendship means a lot to me. I want to wish everyone the happiest Thanksgiving. May you all be blessed to be surrounded by your closest loved ones. To my family, although we wont be together, do know that I will be with you in spirit. I love you all. God Bless.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 00:59:51 +0000

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