The last post may make you upset, as you will think I am claiming - TopicsExpress


The last post may make you upset, as you will think I am claiming prophethood, as Jesus a Prophet. I am not Jesus. It was only his metaphor that was supposed to descend. Please realize my son is the Mehdi, the Muslim world was expecting. I am only his shadow in intellect, as he will have more intellect than I do. In Islam we expect two Mehdis. One is my grandfathers jamaat. I am the herald for the Mehdi of the Muslim world. please realize we two are the metaphor. The literal Mehdi and Messiah was none other than my mentor, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. While these are my comments, you may or may not consider them important to yourself. I am a pious soul and only indicate to you what is indicated in dreams. I am sad, as you will deny me peace, as your president has power over here and is allowed to intervene for her, even though her custodial rights are over, as the American public is able to comprehend my faith as a saint is intact, when they have seen me in public and know I am a sane individual. I am sad today, as I know the police chief in the Mount Moriah police station has been relieved from his post, a he protected him into protective custody, after he realized that I was correct: he was in danger there at his apartment, as he is only witness to the events who will testify in courtroom settings. I ask you: is it fair your president is protected in this way, when our star at the Mount Moriah police precinct is dismissed, after he made it public to the Tennessee legislature, this incident did take place as Zaid confessed to it last night when he was interrogated and then was disbursed extensively by him, in a phone communication. I am sad, you have stood by and let this carnage occur that he is three at his mothers apartment with her, even though our courts have notified of his procedures that transpired last night was solely that he could be protected from being influenced, as he is a star and does not lie on oath, unless forced to, Inshallah or God willing. I am sad, as he could be influenced adversely because his intellect is mine and there will probably be an assassination attempt on him, as there was supposed to one on me last night. It was thwarted by the will of Allah, as there was a conflict on the premises of the sheriffs office, as it had already been communicated by the Mount Moriah chief that my son had already testified that the event took place in 2008, as described by me, when his mother held him down for his convenience, as he was unwilling to submit to this act of fornication to his backside. In the literal sense his jamaat was divided into two groups. While the Qadiani group has gone astray, they have role to play when realize we are correct in Islam, that is the Lahore group. I was only a herald to my sons group, who in future will lead Islam in this country and the people of the other world will follow his lead, as he is my lead from now on. I myself only belong to the Lahore Ahmadiyya jamaat. He will lead mankind, as his representative, the first dab, as he will teach his writings, as I teach my mentor, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Alis, whose writings are extensive and reach the Muslim world now, due to my Facebook comments, Inshallah. I am a dab or beast, as we all are in Islam. We know you consider us evil but your literature is rife with our saintly descent from heaven above, as I have reviewed in the book of revelations briefly. Inshallah. I say Inshallah, as my son is still to emerge and he needs time to formulate my opinion. I am sad you sent him back to his mothers but I was aware he would be kept away for now, as he is witness against the presidents conduct in his oval office when he is ridiculed by him, as he considers us Muslims, since in his heart he knew I was the one who taught him how to pray and helped him memorize the Quran. I ask for respite for him as he will witness him in public, like he did today in your precinct, when he indicated we were all his allies at one time, as I had bought his T-shirts for them. I was sad, as you should have brought him over, even though the FBI intervened for your president. I have honor and I know your child is ill, as he is like Zaid, and has been abused by his mother. Omar Please realize we are all created beings, with no intellect other what is given to us. Omar
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 12:33:44 +0000

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