The last thing I will say in FB is this fact, everybody still sins - TopicsExpress


The last thing I will say in FB is this fact, everybody still sins when they have been born-again. Even as believers in The Lord we all fall short of the glory of God, that means everyone. Yes, cussing is a sin, having bad feelings toward another is a sin, a wrong thought is a sin, worrying is a sin, being uncontented is a sin, looking at another in lust is a sin. Is it not true that we all sin? Why do we point out peoples sins when we know darn well that we ourselves sin as well? We as believers should not be pointing each others sins out to each other, we should be loving each other, and pointing sins out to another in love when someone is living in that sin and you are confronting that person in love and concern for them. Too much darn pointing out peoples faults and not enough edification and exhortation! Love covers over a multitude of sins, it does not expose them at every turn! To do this is to be living our lives by the letter of the law that kills! We no longer live by the letter of the law of God, we live by the law of grace. I cannot grow if I have my mind focussed on my sins, and I know nobody else can either. We will grow in Christ when we focuss, cement and weld our minds upon what Christ did for us and not upon our sins and our shortcomings! Christ set us free from the law of sin and death. Do we as believers understand the grace of God? Why are we pointing out the sins of others when our sins have been taken care of? They have been nailed upon the cross! They have been buried with Christ when we became one with Hi when we was crucified with Him! Our sins are as far as the east is from the west! God does not want for us to focus on our sins, He wants our minds focussed upon Him! Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness! Seek Him! Seek Him! Seek Him! Do we get it, seek Him! Get your minds off of telling people of all the sorts of sins that they do, and work on your own salvation with fear and trembling! God knows whose are His, and He will lose none of His own! Quit condemning and start encouraging! Yes, we should be holy as He is holy, but we can not do that in our own strength, it must be done through the power of the Holy Spirit that resides within each and every genuine born-again believer in Christ! Love is not always mentioning everyones faults, and that is what I constantly see here in these groups, and that is why Im out of here! I have been preaching, and preaching, and preaching this truth on Facebook, and it just seems like people rather just feel like throwing other peoples sins in other peoples faces while in secret they know darn well that they themselves are doing the same and in some cases even being more evil than the ones in which they are speaking of! God bless, and I pray that we grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour! Take care everyone, its time to look people right in the eyes face to face so that they may see the love that God has for them instead of writing and letting people know how evil and depraved they are! It is good to do as Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort does because they are speaking to unbelievers who are hell bound! We are believers, not unbelievers! ROMANS 8:1 my brothers and sisters, ROMANS 8:1! A true genuine believer will walk in the Spirit of God, and they do not need to be reminded of their sins anylonger. God bless.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 03:58:23 +0000

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