The last three presidents of Brazil were persecuted by the - TopicsExpress


The last three presidents of Brazil were persecuted by the military dictatorship (1964-1985). But only Dilma Rousseff, 66, then a militant left-wing formation was tortured. Lula was arrested and Fernando Henrique Cardoso suffered several years of exile in Chile and Paris. But only Rousseff has on the body marks the nearly three years of repression suffered in a cell. Until today. Of beatings, among other indignities, he jumped several teeth and his jaw dropped. The jaw turned to one side. Even today gives me problems in the part where the wheels are attached, he said in 2001, the State Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Torture (CEIVT). Current Brazilian President said that, for toothache, taking an analgesic drops. Nothing counted on if you take something for the scar resulting from the punches he turned the jaw. A Rousseff has never liked to recall public three years he spent in prison, from 1965 to 1968. The testimony given in 2001 before the commission of torture victims only became public in 2012. The first time I spoke public from the torment was in May 2008, and Minister of Civil House, equivalent in Spain to Minister of the Presidency. Then, a conservative senator, José Agripino Maia, he snapped: If the lady lied during the dictatorship, why not gonna lie here?. It was true: Rousseff lied to questions from the torturers. He herrings. He never gave anybody. Irritated by the provocation of Maia, the then minister left the self-imposed silence on the darkest period of his life. I was 19, I remained three years in prison and was barbarously tortured, senator. You must know that anyone who spoke the truth in these interrogations severely compromised his companions. Compare the Brazilian dictatorship to democracy, comparisons as you have fact can only be done by someone who does not give any value to Brazilian democracy . Those who know say that, although not talk about it, step by imprisonment of São Paulo is always present in the life of the president. Maybe thats why, when ordering in May 2012 the members of the Truth Commissions work lay ahead, Rousseff was excited and at the end of his 20-minute speech the voice broke. Yesterday when receiving the full report, Brazilian President turned to thrill. Her voice has failed again and his eyes welled with tears again. It is not normal that Rousseff was excited. On the contrary, spends reputation for hard, sullen, having few friends, isolated in his palace in Brasilia. Some attribute this confidential to his imprisonment, those suffered humiliation, silence she beat herself. The worst thing of torture was to wait, he testified in 2001. Expect to be hit. I learned there that the task was heavy. He continued: I remember very well the bathroom floor, white tile Of how was forming a crust of blood, dirt, how one was smelling bad.. He added,... None of us gets explain the emotional scar that haunts us why we will always be different in those days, really helped that we were so young When you have 20 years the effect of all is deeper but is also easier to hold. the marks of torture are part of me. I am that. Key findings of the National Truth Commission The National Truth Commission (CNV) was created in May 2012 to investigate human rights violations committed by the state between 1946 and 1988, especially under the military dictatorship (1964-1985). For two years and seven months, the CNV heard testimonies 1,121 80 hearings and visited seven locations that were used for torture. We have found at least 191 dead and 243 missing during the dictatorship. Only 33 of the missing could be located, and only one for the investigations of the Commission. 377 officers (especially military and police) were cited as responsible for violations of human rights. Of these, 139 are dead and 196 are still alive. Other 42 his whereabouts are unknown. They have an average age of 82 years. Those responsible are the five presidents of the military regime: Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco (1964-1967); Artur da Costa e Silva (1967-1969); Garrastazu Emilio Medici (1969-1974); Ernesto Geisel (1974-1979), and João Figueiredo (1979-1985). The main conclusion is that the CNV has been verified systematic violations of human rights. The Commission makes 29 recommendations. Calls for Armed Forces recognize violations; that the Amnesty Act 1979 does not apply to those responsible for abuses; that legal action against perpetrators are applied; and police in all Brazilian states should be demilitarized.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:22:40 +0000

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