The last time the UK reduced its government, we had the - TopicsExpress


The last time the UK reduced its government, we had the industrial revolution and the nation prospered like never before. The last time the Catholics were turned out across Europe, we had the Renaissance. The last time we cleared Europe of Islam, we had one of the most peaceful times in history. Despite what the pro-establishment brigade will tell you, despite what the NWO indoctrinated people will repeat to you of their programming, when you actually look at it - they are wrong. It has NEVER worked that way... when governance shrinks, people prosper. When oppression from doctrine is removed, there is peace and creativity. Those who dont know history are doomed to repeat its mistakes, but you dont need me to tell you that... only think Im not hurting anyone, so why cant I? - when you DO, that is rebellious to them, because you are doing what YOU think and not what they do... control of belief and opinion reduces your capacity to think for yourself - it enforces their opinion on you, by fear... of arrest, of judgement, of prison, of fines - so ask yourself; who is the real terrorist here?
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 21:14:18 +0000

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