The last two days have been adventure packed. Yesterday I - TopicsExpress


The last two days have been adventure packed. Yesterday I signed up for an all day kayaking trip. When we got in our kayaks, were instructed to row to the other side of the river and then get out, which tool one minute. On the other side I hiked for 30 minutes in super muddy ground wearing flip-flops that kept getting stuck and falling off. Every step I took was treacherous, and I let the f-bombs fly. First, the trip made no mention of hiking. I love hiking. I just wish that was told to me, so I could have chosen better footwear. When we reached our destination I learned we were going into a cave that is filled with water. OK, maybe the hike was worth it. Due to the recent rains the water level is pretty high. You enter the cave on an inner-tube and have a headlamp. Once inside the cave the ceiling was anywhere from 2 inches to 4ft above your head at most. Good thing I am not claustrophobic. There were some people that were, and they were legitimately freaking out. Once inside you pull yourself along on a rope that stretches over 100m. Once you reach the end the current takes you out. There is only one way in/out, and only room for one tube at a time. So you have to wait, and while waiting your are jammed against the walls, and a traffic jam of other tubes. After that really cool experience they served us lunch, and then after 2 hours of not kayaking, the kayaking began. I did not bring my GoPro into the cave because I was told it was too dark. In hindsight I should have because the headlamps made plenty of light. Today, I took the training wheels off my motorbike and learned to ride a real dirt bike with gears and a clutch. My instructor, Uncle Tom, said I was in the top 10% of new riders. I picked it up pretty quickly. We then went from a small oval to a big dirt field where he had me do some slalom, go over a series of humps, work on breaking and gear shifts. After 30 minutes of that he took me on a beautiful 2 hour ride through the backroads of Laos. Winding roads, rice fields, huge green mountains, a beautiful lake with islands, and a rare blue sky. After our ride was done, Uncle Tom took me to a restaurant in the town, and bought me lunch. He had to leave, so I joined the owners of the restaurant, and ate with them. Grandma, Mom, and two sisters.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 10:35:00 +0000

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