The last weeks,my thoughts have been projected over the the human - TopicsExpress


The last weeks,my thoughts have been projected over the the human good and whether that good is limited just to Virtue?? a complex and obscure subject that I think needs a continuous and deep investigation.In relation to this,I would share with you what my modest investigation comes to. Well,the ancients,including the Stoics and the Epicureans and other schools of morality agree almost on the same principle that Virtue is the true good peculiar to the human being;following this,we can understand that people who are not virtuous are not good;but in society we find that the majority are not following Virtue,and they are not even aware of it..this fact makes us ask multiple questions like Why most people follow vice when their own true good is virtue? Can there be any goods besides virtue? Hard to answer these moral issues,but at least we should try to give approaching answers or helpful keys!! Moreover,there is another issue of Free Will; is there really a will which is unrestrained,independent and free?? It has been proved that the human will is not free but it is conditioned on other parameters belonging to our history,the history of the universe.Indeed,every human action or thought is preceded by other triggering thoughts pushing us ahead.So when someone says I make a decision to leave my job,it is not him who really makes this decision,it is his very own history forced on him,even though all seems free.Actually,this just seems free to our senses and perceptions. So now,if the good and bad man alike are not directly responsible for their actions and choices in life,why this condemnation of the vicious and praise of the good??? one may say,there must be restrictions and rules in society,otherwise chaos and ruin would make the state fall apart...true,I am sure everyone agrees on this,but punishment or reward are actually set up to help prevent the rise of vice and stimulate good-doing. Now,what I would like to tell you,is that our good is relative to each person.Indeed,everyone swims in a cycle of thought and imagination..and this cycle has got countless colors already defined by eternity,by the universal law. Each person has some form of good;who taught us or are teaching our children at school?? who build our houses?? who manufacture our clothes,cars and other Tools of pleasure?? who labor in the market,in industry for the sake of our never-satisfied pleasures and passions?? What I say is that those people are also good.To how degree?? it doesnt matter,as no one is perfect. Virtue adds perfection if cultivated,and it is highly welcomed,but you will always find some other good or advantage in every person however ignorant he or she is.To declare that only the virtous are good is somewhat an ideology!!! and this is where I dont agree with the Stoics! There is no reason to count yourself as Superior to others because of your wisdom...wisdom is seen by own eyes,and since you believe it is good as it does not do others wrong,just go on with it and help project its light by your actions....there is no need to force your choices or your moral beliefs on others.In fact,I would throw on streets millions of books of Marcus Aurelius and Cicero,but few would make effort and bend to pick them up and get benefit from them.... Live your life according to what you believe is good,help others,and learn to accept others as they are;they too have a reason to behave so.Let your focus be on your own vices and not those of others!!! know also that you, who holds wisdom or some of it,just came on the way of wisdom by chance!! it sought you although it seems to you that you sought it....and bear this in mind that everything in this world happens with the agreement of fortune. Be well.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 11:06:00 +0000

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