The late Idi Amin Dada expelled the indians out of Ugandas - TopicsExpress


The late Idi Amin Dada expelled the indians out of Ugandas economy. They had monopolised trade to the extent of making Ugandans their servants. Ugandans took over their shops and started participating in trade. When Mr Museven took over power ,he called them back to Uganda and gave them all their properties which were grabbed from them. Mukwano allied industries, Aya group, Meta, the Katongole S,etc. Of the above. Mr Museven using indians companies,he owns many of them by pretending that their for Idians like Acacia mall, one Somali Nakumat super market, Garden city ,Roofings steel mills for the first family which replaced and fought our locally owned Ssembule etc. Some are even these days senior citizens of Uganda but all on the mercy of Mr Museven whom they are keeping for him his land and companies. In Egypt, no foreigners can possess land tittles since the law exempts them from owning land. In Uganda, the law is also the same but many indians and Sudanese are owning big land in UGANDA. All in all, whatever they own, 95% is for Mr Museven though under the FALSIFICATION of their names. Its only time to tell but all what Mr Museven has stolen in the names of foreigners, will go back to a caring government which is very soon replacing this oppressive one which has ruined our country for over 28 years. I wonder why the indians who are these days senior citizens #repatriate their profits to India other than developing UGANDA. Akume Mukama Katonda.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 05:26:52 +0000

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