The latest bit of fake conservative outrage going around is about - TopicsExpress


The latest bit of fake conservative outrage going around is about the Houston man who was asked to take down his American flag because it offends muslims. The flag was really asked to be taken down because it violated the apartment complexs standards and practices regarding displays hanging from balconies. Doesnt matter if its an American flag, German flag, or Klingon flag, its considered a fire hazard or some such thing. As for the muslim offense part of the piece, when WHOU news of Houston Texas visited the place they saw other patriotic symbols hanging from other balconies in the complex that apparently were perfectly fine and not under forced removal. If the cause of the removal were muslim offense then all these other pro-America items would have been also removed, but they werent, so obviously muslim offense was not the cause. Duy Tran, the occupant of the apartment, is a lier. He made up the story about muslim offense to drum up media support which would force the property management to back down. He knew it would work because he knows that there are millions of conservatives who will blindly re-post crap like this with out doing any background reading because it already fits their confirmation bias as to the decline of America. Here is the deeper question. Why was it that I, a liberal, didnt believe what I was reading because I believe America is a strong country while conservatives did believe it because they believe American is becoming a weak country? Didnt it used to be the other way around? What happened?
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:30:26 +0000

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