The latest challenge to my mental state of calm and loving - TopicsExpress


The latest challenge to my mental state of calm and loving acceptance: In the email this morning-- It was disappointingly noted that a handful of plot holders have done absolutely no maintenance in their plots since May, despite two unusually cool periods of opportunity this summer. As a consequence, their plots are heavily weeded. The proper and required way to leave a plot idle, as stated in the Gardener’s Agreement, is to clear it and mulch heavily with leaves, straw or pine needles to retard weed growth. However, plots must be under cultivation with food production for nine months of the year. Persons who have only a spring crop at LHCG are not in compliance with LHCG regulations. Note: One cannot feign a crop by having herb or other bushes that are never harvested. Notices of non-compliance will go out soon to gardeners with particularly neglected plots. The board was of unanimous agreement that these plot holders should be reminded that their continued gardening at LHCG depends on maintaining their plots. “It should be pointed out,” one board member said, “that gardening at LHCG is by invitation only, and some plot holders may not be issued a “Gardener’s Agreement for 2015” if they greviously violate the community rules. The responsible thing for a gardener to do --- if he or she finds no time to garden as agreed to --- is to voluntarily relinquish the plot so someone on LHCG’s long Waiting List can garden it. Voluntary notifications of relinquishing a plot should be e-mailed to: lakehighlandsgarden@gmail IN OTHER NEWS: The board has voted to expand its membership from the current seven. The board is a self-perpetuating, non-profit corporation and may have up to 15 board members. Anyone is welcomed to attend board meetings and input from plot holders is always appreciated.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:45:43 +0000

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