The latest story circulating on Alberto Del Rio’s release from - TopicsExpress


The latest story circulating on Alberto Del Rio’s release from WWE is that he was involved in an altercation with social media manager Cody Barbierri. As the story goes, someone told Barbierri to wipe his plate clean after a backstage meal at catering at a recent television taping. Joking, Barbierri said that was Del Rio’s job. Del Rio ended up finding out about the comment and perceived it to be racially charged. He confronted Barbierri and rather than apologize, Cody smiled. This is when Del Rio allegedly slapped him. The WWE office found out what happened and terminated Del Rio over the incident. This also implies these uncharacteristic Tweets from the verified WWE Twitter account about Del Rio were made by Cody Barbierri. After all, Barbierri’s job is to Tweet from the verified account. Dot com announced Thursday evening that Del Rio had been released “due to unprofessional conduct and an altercation with an employee.” We explained past controversial incidents, including Del Rio not getting along with majority of the roster. We also highlighted how Del Rio likely knew his release was coming, as was evident in his mysterious promo on this week’s episode of WWE Main Event. One thing that Brooks Oglesby pointed out that I believe bears repeating is what will go down as Del Rio’s final promo in WWE. In the opening segment of this week’s episode of Main Event, Del Rio cut a promo in Spanish about Laredo’s proximity to Mexico, which garnered him a pop. He ended up thanking fans for all their support over the years. Tom Phillips stated on commentary that Del Rio was playing to the Latinos in Laredo. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter, who of course are babyfaces, came out and Zeb tried to salvage the segment by ripping Del Rio for speaking Spanish in America. The speculation is that Del Rio likely knew his termination was coming and knew that was his chance to say goodbye. We can’t confirm that, however, it certainly seems odd that Del Rio, as a heel, would cut that type of promo when WWE is trying to so hard to re-start on Swagger as a legitimate threat to Rusev at SummerSlam. Del Rio will have a 90-day non-compete clause attached to his WWE contract because it was terminated before its expiration. With Ricardo Rodriguez also recently released, one could assume they could take that gimmick somewhere else as a pair. ~Jordan
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 17:22:13 +0000

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