The latest update on Joe Simco - our Dad, Papa and a great - TopicsExpress


The latest update on Joe Simco - our Dad, Papa and a great patient!!! After 5 days in one Colorado Springs hospital and LOTS of tests, he was transferred on Thursday to one of the best heart hospitals anywhere in the Midwest - St. Francis in Colorado Springs where he continues to get amazing care and rests/prepares for his surgery on Tuesday morning. (He has quickly become his caregivers favorite new patient because of his gratitude, friendliness and great stories!) He has met both his surgeons and several PAs and everyone feels confident that this young 85-yr old man can fight through this complicated, high-risk surgery to replace 1 valve and repair his aortic root. (Any other description is too technical and lengthy.) One miracle and result of prayer (as the surgeon referred to it) is the fact that Dad’s 25-yr old bypass grafts are still in great shape -so Dr. Weiss did a great job in NWA! He is soon to be the proud recipient of donated tissue and a BOVINE’S VALVE – perfect for an old cattle farmer! (The Dr told him his “cows are giving back” but dad has requested one from a bull and not a cow - HA! Mom says this is fitting because he’s always been full of bull!) Needless to say they are both keeping a good attitude and we can see God’s hand on our family! His surgery will be 4-6 hours long and one of the biggest risks is lung or kidney failure or a clot causing a stroke during or after the surgery. If all goes well - he will be in ICU for 1-2 days and in the hospital for 1 week and the rehab for 1 week and then we hope to come back to NWA for the rest of the recoup time (and lots of visits from friends!) The surgeon and dad believe that he can have a productive rest of his life and more time to be with his family and friends – we believe we will have to put a rope on him to slow him down in his ‘new normal’ (Vernon is already prepared to become Dad’s boss on the farm now – we’ll see how that goes!?!?!) Do we serve an awesome God who is in control and has a plan to prosper us or what? Who would have thought that just because God lead Jeremy , Tera and Norah to serve at Converge at this time and then that Mom and Dad were ‘perfectly healthy’ to travel 13 hours and come for a visit at this time but that Dad was NOT healthy and would end up in the best place for surgery AND that we get some extra days to love on and receive love from our Colorado kids! (This Nonna is tired but full of joy!) I’ll end this lengthy update with an encouragement to you to go love on your family and friends while you have them and can! We have had the opportunity to reflect and share lots of special hugs, words, skype videos (and tears) as we have been on a roller coaster ride this past week. Debbie, Larry and Vernon I and all our kids and grandkids know we are well loved by Dad/Papa and visa versa! Joe Simco has lived a blessed life with many good friends and neighbors, a great family and church family and he appreciates and loves everyone God has brought in and out of his life – most of all – his wife and helpmate of 55 years, Virginia. It’s been precious for me and all the caregivers to see them hold hands, talk respectfully and loving to each other and hug and kiss each other as she has been by his side caring for him this past week. They are a testimony of God’s faithfulness in the ‘sickness and good health’ times of the vows they took so long ago! Another praise is that Mom, Debbie and Larry will be able to stay in a guest house throughout the rest of our time here. It’s just for out-of state patients and is very accommodating and located just across the parking lot from the hospital so now Mom can get a little more rest but still be close to Dad. Yay God! We ALL appreciate everyone’s continued prayers for Dad and Mom and our family, as well as his care team! We are all experiencing God’s peace that passes our understanding because like dad said …. “We are seeing God at work and Dad’s going to come ‘home’ – either to NWA and the farm and family he so loves -or- to Heaven where it will be even better than we can imagine!” Of course, we are asking God for some more time with Dad/Papa on earth – but His will be done! We know he will give us His grace for the journey. In Jesus’ name, AMEN! Dad loves to talk so if you know him and want to call for a visit, his room’s direct # until Monday night is (719)776-7313 and mom’s cell number is (479)236-2436.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 21:36:16 +0000

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