The law of attraction has grown exponentially in popularity over - TopicsExpress


The law of attraction has grown exponentially in popularity over the past ten years or so. More and more people have awaken to the fact that by matching the vibrational frequency of the Universe to their own frequency, it is possible to create a more desirable existence for themselves. One of the most common practices that people partake in to achieve this is through meditation or prayer. By repeating a mantra during meditation or reciting a prayer every day we are letting it be known to the Universe what we desire above all else at the time, but to honestly believe in your heart that these feelings, thoughts and words are adequate enough to achieve your goals is foolish and naive. Praying to win the lottery alone will never come to pass, unless you buy a ticket. Meditating on finding Peace and Love in your life can not manifest if you do not live your life accordingly by spreading these feelings to others. In order to create a more pleasurable life we must be willing to match the effort of the universe with dedication and work. We also must not put our own egotistical and unrealistic time limits on obtaining these gifts. The Universe took billions of years to form, do we really think our dreams and aspirations should manifest in the same time frame as it does to order a pizza? But I think another thing that we should all be mindful of is what we are trying to manifest. Are all you wants and desires personally beneficial? Are they all self centered and egotistical? If 300 million people all meditated and prayed to win the lottery at the same time and they all won, then your share of the jackpot would not even be enough to reimburse you for the price of the ticket. But imagine if we all sat quietly and meditated on world Peace and Universal connectedness. Imagine if we collectively unleashed an incredible amount of Loving energy into the Universe that was able to blanket the entire globe, that would be capable of making an instantaneous and lasting impact on all sentient beings. So with all this being said, I would just like to ask you to be more mindful and deliberate of what you are putting your thoughts, feelings, words and energy into. We have the power to attract the things we want, we just have to realize that the things we want and the things this planet truly needs are not always the same. Blessings and Love to you all. Namaste _/|\_
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:39:43 +0000

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