The law of sowing and reaping, from the Old Testa-ment, is a - TopicsExpress


The law of sowing and reaping, from the Old Testa-ment, is a variation of The Law of Cause and Effect. It says that “whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he reap.” This law says that whatever you put in, you get out. It also says that whatever you are reaping today is a result of what you have sown in the past. So if you are not happy with your current “crop,” it is up to you, start-ing today, to plant a new crop, to begin doing more of those things that lead to success—and to stop engaging in those activities that lead nowhere. Remember, the successful entrepreneur, business owner or most effective employee ask themselves this question on a regular basis throughout the day to get themselves refocused. Is What I am Doing Right Now Paying Me The Kind of Money I Want To Earn? So, for example, if right now you are making $50,000 a year that means you are making roughly $25.00 an hour based on the average time worked by professionals of just over 2,000 hours. So if you want to double your income, that means you have to get paid $50.00 an hour. The most successful people view their earnings by hourly rate rather than monthly or annual rate and ask themselves the above question. This allows you to prioritize your day and do everything you can to avoid doing anything which does not contribute or pay you the desired wage of $50.00 per hour. That means less smoke breaks and trips to the water cooler. That means you do not make the pot of coffee in your office or order supplies, etc... I understand these are generalizations and in some small businesses you may be the only one that can do these things but start shifting your mindset because many things can be delegated or avoided once you begin to realize how much your time is actually worth! #ClarityIsPower #10XurGoals #ActionKillsFear #C2CREIA #21DayChallenge
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 00:31:16 +0000

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