The law of the Lord in its entirety is broader than the law of - TopicsExpress


The law of the Lord in its entirety is broader than the law of Moses(Mosaic law) His law existed before creation of the earth. Infact the whole creation exist by his law. He gave his law and commands to Adam, to Noah, and to Abraham and to the disciples of Christ.. God always has good intent with his law.So the psalmist said the law of the Lord is perfect and is sweeter than honey. Is not for catching and punishing people. God told Joshua that if he keeps his law he will have blessings and much prosperity. God is good. Jesus gave several commands which are laws to be obeyed. There were laws which existed before Christ, and there were laws which existed during Christ stay on earth, and God law exist in our days just as it existed for others who has passed.And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.1 ST JOHN 2:3.God will still give us laws in the next world to obey.The one who says, I have come to know Him, and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.The Mosaic law which is a subset of Gods law .The psalmist said is broad indeed. To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless(Psalm 119:96)A section of God law was given to Israel for their guidance fulfilled in Christ and summarized in one word LOVE for Christ followers. . So Gods law is for love and not punishment . God had good intent just that man is weak. God gives us his Spirit that we will be able to walk and love and remain lawful and obedient to him. So Jesus he said that if we love him we must obey his law/commandments.(John 14:15) Grace and mercy comes in to play their role. He said we should walk towards the throne of grace with boldness that we may find help in time of need .( in time of need) Let us then approach Gods throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our TIME OF NEED. Gods law/word grace, and mercy. So day in day out we must keep God law by loving and however when we fall short our gracious and merciful God through Christ grant us mercy in this time of need.So many instances God himself grant us grace and and mercy without our knowledge but mercy is not automatic for everybody.(Romans 9 :15). He says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleans us from unrighteousness. 1st John 1;9 We must grow and not continue in sin and lawlessness because the apostle including John encourage to grow out of sin or lawlessness and lead a righteous life. To say that Jesus is the law or word is to that he is the final authority, judge, or interpreter,mediator, final representative,messenger of the word or law.The law is used interchangeably with the word several times in the Bible,the mosaic is only a component of the law or word.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 13:23:05 +0000

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