The leader of jihadist militant group Isis has called on Muslims - TopicsExpress


The leader of jihadist militant group Isis has called on Muslims to travel to Iraq and Syria to help build an Islamic state, in an audio message. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi called on Muslims to immigrate to the Islamic State, saying it was a duty. He made a special call for judges, doctors, engineers and people with military and administrative expertise. Isis says it is forming an Islamic state, or caliphate, on the territories it controls in Iraq and Syria. In an earlier audio recording this week, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) proclaimed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as caliph and leader for Muslims everywhere. Ramadan The central government in Baghdad has lost control of vast swathes of territory to Sunni militants, led by Isis, over the past month. The group says its Islamic state will extend from Aleppo in northern Syria to Diyala province in eastern Iraq. Setting up a state governed under strict Islamic law has long been a goal of many jihadists. Image of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi taken from the US government National Counterterrorism Center There are only two authenticated photos of Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Rush O Muslims to your state. Yes, it is your state. Rush, because Syria is not for the Syrians, and Iraq is not for the Iraqis, al-Baghdadi said in a new audio message on Tuesday. O Muslims everywhere, whoever is capable of performing hijrah (emigration) to the Islamic State, then let him do so, because hijrah to the land of Islam is obligatory, he added. He also called on jihadist fighters to escalate fighting during the holy month of Ramadan, which began on Sunday.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 18:40:59 +0000

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