The left hand woman of Alex Salmond, the Scottish First Minister, - TopicsExpress


The left hand woman of Alex Salmond, the Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, says quite rightly that it is the intention of Westminster MPs to turn the screw on the Scottish Budget. However no legislation is in place which dictates the amount of money allocated per capita head to each nation in the Union. Currently English individual residents are awarded less than the three other countries in the Union. Currently the English receive (per head) £7121 whilst their Scottish counter parts receive circa £1,500 per annum more (£8,623) These figures represent the constant rants from Salmond and Sturgeon that the English are ripping the Scots off. The Barrnett formula which regulates the current system is complex and in many cases is nonsense. In the England for example students at Universities pay top up fees which go back into the collective UK education pot however students in Scotland pay nothing into the pot thus whilst the contributions of English students are massive those of the Scottish students are zilch. The anomaly is that the Scottish education budget receives 10.3% of all the monies received from university students in England. In addition a percentage of the monies received goes into the pension pot of lectures and academics in Scotland . In other words if Scotland breaks away no English contributions will filter into the Scottish system and the Scottish University pension funds will go pop unless the Scots wish to pay for it themselves. AND THAT Mrs. Sturgeon is taking the p***s and is why we who live in England want to see you pack your bags and buzz off you rapacious twerp. In addition the latest in a long bunch of carrot to be dangled in front of the Scottish donkey’s (electorate) in much the same corrupt manner that operated prior to the dissolution of the 19th C rotten boroughs in the UK. This particular bunch of crunchiest she says will reduce the fuel bills of all Scottish households by 5% per annum achieved by scraping part of the green tax on fuel. In the first instance this is one nicked from UKIP and in the second instance it flies in the face of European legislation apropos global warming and carbon emissions. Whoops I forgot Scotland will not be allowed into the EU, this being confirmed by Mrs Sturgeon and her 5% bribe. Yep Scotland you are being ripped off by the English??? So VOTE Yes to independence Sotland. Please, pretty please. And finally the Guardian reported, “The Scotish Nationalist Party Finance Minister John ( Porky Pie ) Swinney said the latest Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (Gers) figures ‘underlines the opportunities for independence’ and he appeared to suggest there was a budget surplus (in Scotland) . But the Liberal Democrats accused him of either economic illiteracy or “deliberately misleading” people after the statistics confirmed the Scottish deficit was £10.7 billion in 2010/11. Scottish public spending totaled £63.8 billion last year while tax revenue was only £53.1 billion even when a geographic share of North Sea oil is included (circa £40 billion)”. So good luck with building a nest egg with the surplus revenue from oil taxation Mr Salmond
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 07:17:58 +0000

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