The left hates her. The grassroots on the right loves her. Many in - TopicsExpress


The left hates her. The grassroots on the right loves her. Many in the GOP establishment fear her. But, regardless of how you feel about Sarah Palin, the former Governor from Alaska and 2008 VP nominee demonstrates one thing when she takes the stage. She can inspire those who listen and bring down the house with wit, charm, and humor. Palin demonstrated her ability to fire up the crowd numerous times during CPAC 2014 as the closing speaker. She opened up with a line the crowd loved that spoke truth into reality as she took a dig, one of many, at Obama. In order for Obamacare to be financially viable and solvent, it must be stacked with young people since it is essentially a transfer of wealth from the young to the old. Palin addressed this and received a positive reaction from the CPAC attendees. “I love coming back here because there are so many young people or, as you’re known across the river, Obamacare suckas. Yep. You are the ones who will pay the bills in our brave new world. They forgot their part, didn’t they, when they said, ‘You are the change you’ve been waiting for.” It turns out, you have the change that they have been waiting for.” Palin’s speech was filled with many quips, one-liners, zingers, and memorable moments. These ranged from an attack on the ineptness and naivety of the Obama administration, to a criticism of the unwillingness of the GOP to stand and fight on principle, to praise for those conservatism warriors in Congress who are leading the charge in the fight to reclaim America from far left, destructive progressivism. Here are some of the best moments and highlights for Sarah Palin’s inspirational rally of the troops at CPAC 2014. To begin, Palin takes a swing at the disaster that is Obamacare and the attempt by the left to silence us into complacence and acceptance of their ‘fundamental transformation of America’. “Now, when we were here last year, there was some reeling going on because of the election results and our fellow Americans had decided, evidently, to double down on hopey/changey and the sages of the beltway and their sock puppets at MSLSD, H/T Mark Levin.” “They said that we had to give up on our principles because, they said, the train of history was roaring to the left so we’d better jump on board or get left behind.” “Then, something happened. That hope and change went from a catchy campaign slogan to a reality. Along the way, hope and change, yes we can, it became, “no you can’t.”” “No, you can’t log onto the website. No, you can’t keep your healthcare. No, you can’t make a phone call without Michelle Obama knowing this is the third time this week that you’ve dialed Pizza Hut delivery.” Palin also talked about how a different America has emerged since last year; one in which more and more people have wizened up to the expense of ‘free stuff’ and refusal to look the other way when it comes to government corruption. “Something did happen. We became a wiser republic than a year ago. Americans know now what the giants of our movement had always told us. People like Friedman, and Reagan, and Margaret Thatcher they said, “there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” “There is no free stuff – someone pays. Someone always pays and if you don’t know who that someone is, it’s probably you.” “Hopefully those social engineering politicos learned something as well. Americans aren’t as ‘obedient’ as they thought we were. See, they set up a lot of hoops, making us pay for insurance that we don’t want or need, telling us there’s nothing to see in Benghazi. Move along, move along. Nor at the IRS. Nothing amiss, not even a smidgen. No. Making us bear the brunt of that dopey, wobbling on the world stage. But, we didn’t jump through those hoops the way we were supposed to. It’s like y’all went rogue.” Palin’s endorsements in the 2012 elections almost seemed to have the Midas touch. Her endorsement of a candidate carried a lot of weight, and one candidate who experienced the positivity of a Palin endorsement was Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz has gone on to become a true maverick of the Senate, one who will not cower to pressure or threats from either side of the aisle. He has proven himself to stand on principle and work to fulfill the campaign promises that got him elected. She called out those establishment types on the left who, instead of standing with Cruz, attacked him along with the left. Palin praised Cruz and, in recognizing his efforts to filibuster the implementation of Obamacare, read her own version of ‘Green Eggs and Ham” “Speaking of y’all, Texas. Thank you. Thank you because liberty needs a Congress on Cruz Control.” “Last year the awakening began and Senator Ted Cruz helped keep them awake. Cruz forced debate, told his colleagues that it’s time to wake up.” “Our army balked. We hoped they were reloading. Instead, they retreated. Even worse, they joined the laptops in the lame stream to trash the foot soldiers who had fought for America.” “I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like this health care scam. I do not like these dirty crooks or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress steals. I do not like their crony deals. I do not like this spying, man. I do not like, “Oh yes we can. I do not like this spending spree. We’re smart. We know there’s nothing free. I do not like reporters’ smug replies when I complain about their lies. I do not like this kind of hope and we won’t take it. Nope. Nope. Nope.” The Obama administration loves to pit Americans against each other, playing favor with some and guilting others into feeling remorse for their success and achievement. Palin had a few words to say about that, including poking a little fun at Obama for his admitted excessive drug use while in college. “Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and Paul and Gowdy and Gosar and Gohmert, etc. We’ve got some good guys in there. They’re good guys because they carry the common sense gene and they know that we are nation with a government, not the other way around. They’re constitutionalists and they are sent to DC to fight the battle there for us. So, it’s time that we send them reinforcements.” “They need reinforcements because families are hurting. Hard working families. They are caught between the crony capitalism that benefits the politically connected and the income redistribution that benefits the politically favored.” “You’re not just sitting back, hanging with the choom gang. I hope you’re not, just letting DC control the people and bankrupt our country in order to fundamentally transform it.” Americans all over the country are being awakened to what is going on in this country. For some, it is the attack on the Second Amendment, for others it is the constant class warfare chess game played by Obama, for still others, it is the lack of accountability and answers for the numerous scandals plaguing the Obama White House. While one would imagine all of this turmoil and controversy surrounding Barack Obama would cause the GOP to fight even stronger, the reality is, they have not. Palin, in true form of being unafraid to call out corruption, wrongdoing, or ineptness on either side of the aisle, addressed that issue. “This is the stirring of a great awakening and I do believe that the eyes of America are open. Unfortunately, though, some would want you to just hit the snooze button and roll back over, like, Hush, America. Go back to sleep little lambs. Close those eyes.” “Some of these folks are in the GOP establishment. And they are a different breed of cat. They say that the smartest thing we can do right now is just lay low, stay out of the way, while, say, Obamacare crashes and burns and the economy stutters to a halt. Forget that solvency and sovereignty stuff. Just lay low.” “And, while, internationally, we so tick off our allies and we lead a world that is looking for that shining city on a hill again, we lead them from behind? The result is some very, very, very bad dudes gain ground. This instead of putting the fear of God in our enemies? Proving peace through strength. And that is only brought to you courtesy of the red, white, and blue. That’s only what the United States military can do!” “But, some GOP experts say, “Don’t interrupt while they are in the process of destroying themselves. But, you do interrupt when they are in the process of destroying our country! We will stop them in 2014!” The crowd, loving every single word of Palin’s epic speech, began chanting, “Run, Sarah, Run!” Her response was quick witted as she said, “I didn’t get a chance to run this morning. I just did a little hot yoga.” That transitioned her to her continued attack on Obama as well as his big promises with little results. Back in 2008, when Palin was the VP nominee she was derided by the media and the progressive left for her suggestion that Russia would invade Ukraine. With the recent events, Palin has the last laugh as she points to Obama’s glaring lack of foreign policy skills. “He promised to provide for the sick, but there are more people uninsured today than when Obama began all of this. He promised jobs for the jobless, but fewer people work today than since the peanut farmer was our president. And, the average family is bringing home $4000 less than when Obama started all of this. He promised us a safe, peaceful world. Promised that he’s got al Qaeda on the run. Perhaps towards us.” “He would gut our arsenals while he allows others, our enemies, to enrich theirs? That’s like a liberal on gun control. Mr. President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke. H/T, NRA!” “The only thing rising in Obama’s lala land is the Russian empire. I’m sorry. Really. I’m probably being too hard on the president. After all, who could have seen this coming?” Long a favorite among the grassroots Tea Party movement, Palin sang their praises as she called out the GOP for forgetting how they won the majority in the House. “America is counting on the GOP to get it right. No Republican gets elected promising higher taxes, wasteful spending, increased debt, bigger government, rewarding lawbreakers via amnesty. No. So, why are they voting for these things now. And why reward them with your vote?” “GOP Beltway Boys, you know that 2010 election victory that swept you into power? You didn’t build that. The Tea Party did!” “So, dance with the one that brought you. Do you want another sweep? Then grab a broom and join us at the party.” Sarah Palin left no stone unturned even addressing the victory on the culture that was won by the right in the case of Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson vs. the anti-Christian and politically correct police from the left. In doing so, she exposed the hypocrisy of the left. “They claim to want tolerance and open debate. But, their goal is to shut anyone up who doesn’t toe their line.” “Phil Robertson, our buddy from Duck Dynasty. Here’s Phil talking about faith with a reporter from GQ. (First mistake) In between saying he loves humanity, he loves all sinners and leave it to God to judge, he quoted the bible. He got colorful in expressing his opinion.” “They fired the devout Christian for expressing his devout Christian views on a television show about his devout Christian family because nothing is ever wrong on cable TV.” “In another time, Phil might have stayed fired. But not this time. People all over America knew that Phil’s right to express himself was our right. We pushed back and we won. And now everyone is happy, happy, happy.” As the first Republican vice-presidential nominee, Palin experienced her fair share of attacks from the left on their cronies in the media. In fact, the attacks still come at her to this day. But, as a ‘Mama Grizzly’, she is not one to be silenced and she called out the Democrats for being the real leader in the ‘war on women’. “Hey Democrats, it’s your leaders who are demeaning to women. Liberals seem to think that the women of America are just cheap dates. Feed them a few lines about that free birth control and throw in some scary quotes about the war on women and they will be yours. Don’t bother their pretty little heads with tax policy or debilitating debt or energy independence. Imagine if they treated the men like that.” “Girls, we know better than to fall for that victimization line from the president and his party. I know you know better. But, if you have a friend or sister or roommate falling for this hooey, you’ve got to set them straight. Ask them, “Who is really stereotyping them?” Is it the people who see you as a thinking, achieving, striving, strong individual or those who put you in a box and they define you still by body parts; enticing girls that they need these guys to grow government to take care of them. Women, don’t let them use you unless you choose to be their political pawn, or just their piece of accessory on their arm. Honey, that’s not liberation. That’s subjugation and this sisterhood fights against that!” “We fight the mastery that big government wants over us. So, who are the real liberators?” “Come on libs, can you really sing, “I am woman, hear me…” No! Because donkeys just bray. Only mama grizzlies can say, “Hear me roar!” “Let the women of America know our platform, our values. It’s independence, it’s work ethic, it’s family, faith and freedom. Be bold in making our case. We are the heirs of Thatcher and Stanton and Anthony, so stop apologizing and start evangelizing and infiltrating, influencing pop culture.” “We’re the party that protects with the planks even our littlest sister in the womb.” Palin closed out her speech by talking about the need to rebuild the country, not just rebrand the party. She told those listening that they are the key to all that matters, the key to a remarkable movement of freedom and human flourishing. The error that was Obama is almost over and we must stand up and fight to restore the promise of America! “This is a great Awakening. The age of Obama is almost over. The end of an error. He is the lamest of lame ducks. So, expand our ranks to save our country. Our sensible, imperative mission for small government and big freedom is big enough for every American who loves liberty and trusts the individual.” “And I know this because we know America not from the top down, but from the heart looking out. And our message resonates. We believe in the promise of America. That message does resonate and it has been since a band of brothers dumped tea in the Boston Harbor. We have got to be that band of brothers and sisters again, not to fundamentally transform America, but to save it and to fundamentally restore the promise of America.” “So stand up and stiffen your spine. You’ve got to fight for it. The best is yet to come!” WATCH full video of Sarah Palin’s speech at CPAC 2014. Read more: tpnn/2014/03/09/pure-tea-sarah-palin-crushes-ruling-class-in-both-parties-at-cpac-2014/
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 14:33:43 +0000

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