The legislation introduced today by House Republicans fails to - TopicsExpress


The legislation introduced today by House Republicans fails to live up to the values that make our nation so great. Children from Central American, children as young as five years old, have risked their lives to escape extreme violence that has gripped Guatamala, El Salvador, and the murder capital of the world, Honduras. Instead of working with Democrats in a bipartisan manner to pass comprehensive immigration reform that addresses the humanitarian crisis on the border and fixes our broken immigration system, House Republicans have veered even further to the extreme right. Their legislative package weakens protections for victims of violence and human trafficking, fails to provide the resources necessary to improve the situation at the border, and weakens protections for DREAMers – kids who were brought here through no fault of their own and have worked to build a better life for themselves and their communities. Pope Francis said, ‘this humanitarian emergency requires, as a first urgent measure, these children be welcomed and protected.’ Sadly in the House of Representatives, those words and that sentiment have been ignored by my Republican colleagues.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:43:19 +0000

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