The liberal media is the link to the mystery. They are - TopicsExpress


The liberal media is the link to the mystery. They are professional propagandists. No matter how Dems screw it up and them over, the media patches it all up and hammers the idea home that Dems care and Repubs are rich white male fat cats who are in bed with big business, military suppliers, dirty coal & oil and hate minorities. Mike Danahey John 8:40-47 Jesus himself could be right here telling the truth, and now, as was then, he would be crucified because he offended the Pharisees. Liberals are the modern Pharisees. They come up all kinds of nonsensical and oppressive laws, which are designed to get poor people in a bind, only to get endless support from those being oppressed. If black folks are good at one thing, it is shooting themselves in the foot. Many follow heretics like Jesse and Al, and the false messiah Obola, but your lives are no better. Your neighborhoods are still war zones. After 60 years of doing the same thing and getting the same results, maybe is time to stop defecating in your own drinking water. The good news is there is a black president. The bad news is that he is a communist, muslim, and probably the most evil divisive man to ever serve. That is saying a lot because Woodrow Wilson was a bastard.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 02:47:51 +0000

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