The life of a Medic: *In my arms I hold your child just 3 - TopicsExpress


The life of a Medic: *In my arms I hold your child just 3 months old his body is lifeless, his face is blue and he is cold. With both of you staring and shouting at me to do something to help, yet we all know deep down time is too far gone and nothing will do to bring him back to you, your baby has passed on. The tears start to roll my throat closes up, I share in your grief knowing it will never be enough, this image of what once was, forever in my memory because I could not help. And still they expect me to always smile... I see the scene, it is up ahead, already my mind is in full swing of what to expect. To my surprise, this is not what I surmised but worse than what the phone call said. Two full taxis carrying 43 people, nothing unusual for them, a head on collision people lying everywhere. Those that can, screaming for our help while others just stare straight ahead, watching you work on others around wondering when you will reach them. A child is screaming she has lost a limb, next to her mom lies dead... And still they expect me to always smile... Once so fit overtime got older, no longer strong, simply just frail, I do my best to not cause more pain as I move you around into the best position I can find. Your hip has gone, broken at the top the medication only dulling the pain and as I explain what it is I need to do, I can only apologise up front as I know I will be hurting you. You sweetly smile and put on a brave face, trying to make me feel better, for what I am about to do, not understanding that one wrong move, could make things worse for you. And still they expect me to always smile... I arrive on a scene, a suspect has been shot, next to us the human life he took for no apparent reason. He curses at us as we try to help save the life of this so called human being, he smiles at us blood in his mouth and eyes dark as midnight itself, he knows we can’t turn around and leave. We have no choice as he threatens us, we are not allowed to judge we treat all equally. And still they expect me to always smile... I have seen more death I no longer remember how much, yet some will always stick with me. I have witnessed most things that would make many throw up, endangered my life for a stranger and fellow human being never turning my back on someone needing my help. I have brought many back from the brink of death, grateful I’m capable of that and not expecting anything back in return. One small error could end the life in you, the stress and pressure of someone’s life in your hands, some people can’t seem to understand, we will always be nothing to them. And still they expect me to always smile... Today as I look back over time I realise just what it is we accomplish, even though we may not have the materialistic stuff to show for it. Not many people can turn around and say, I saved a human life or I helped bring a new life into this world today. Not many can say I nearly died today whilst I saved a stranger to see him smile again. To some we are hard, to others we seem cold and no one knows why that could be, after all we are not all alike, even though we to are human beings. Be it family, friends or foe a total stranger also, I am simply just one of a thousand medics around who have helped make a difference in this world....Today I can smile for all to see... (Not my words)
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:32:45 +0000

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