The limits to trade The WTO began with the promise that it - TopicsExpress


The limits to trade The WTO began with the promise that it would bring increased economic growth through “free trade.” Today, it is clear that this promise was never possible as we cannot have endless economic growth in a finite planet. The planet’s natural resources are nearly exhausted and there is a total disturbance in the vital cycles of the Earth System that threatens to turn into an environmental domino effect of unpredictable consequences. The increase in economic growth benefited only the corporations and did not bring the promised “development” to the poor. The rich are now richer while the poor are poorer. That free trade was going to deliver benefits to the poorest was simply a myth. In reality, if poverty were really to be addressed and the poor alleviated, increased economic growth was and will never be the answer, but redistribution of wealth and redress of the inequalities worsened by the capitalist system. The irresponsible exploitation of the planet in the name of endless growth has put us all on a suicidal path to destruction. If the goals of the WTO to grow trade forever were to be met, other planets have to burn to achieve this.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 08:59:24 +0000

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