The longer version of: The Sermon i preached @ Wits University on - TopicsExpress


The longer version of: The Sermon i preached @ Wits University on 2nd of March 2014 for the Methodist students & we, the liberal democracts can pick a thing or two for considerate in our dilemma! The Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 49: 8-16a 2nd Reading: 1st Corinthians 4: 1-5 The Gospel reading: Matthew 6: 24-34 Gospel Theme: Jesus the Redeemer at the Crossroads! It is with real sense of joy and gratitude to be here, at a reputable academic and World renowned Institute after 4 years without been send here and i am a stranger today because all the familiar faces have moved on over the years! Friends in Christ, we are aware that the sun rises from the East without fail everyday, so as us, we rise up, need food, water, and oxygen (air). The poor of the poorest in our communities are not guaranteed food nor water, some of us knows about the Madibeng township here, and the recent civil water protest in that area, whereby +- 4 people died during a clash with police last month! Coincidentally and contrary , Madibeng is a Tshwana word which means a place of water! Bazalwani (brothers and sisters) in Christ, each and everyday we all enjoys the sun rays or feels the cold but when the sun sets, most creatures devise means towards sleep, the poor in the streets resort to cardboards, others to shacks, some to dilapidated buildings and the rich into sheltered warm houses, electric blankets, yet still make a remark, it is cold! My Theme today is focused on Jesus the redeemer at the crossroads which gives us, an opportunity and platform to engage critically, asking questions like, (1) why was Jesus Christ at the crossroads?, (2) who else was there?, (3) What criteria was used for one to qualify to be there? According to the Book of Matthew 6;25, the phrase Do no worry reassures that Jesus does not mean to us, it is wrong to make provisions for the future physically needs. what Jesus forbid is anxiety or worry that shows a lack of faith in Gods fatherly care and love. The anxiety and worry had taken over hope and faith upon the lives of the Israelites living in Babylonian exile that time. At the moment, from our Old Testament reading, the prophet Isaiah emphasized in prophesy on restoration of Israel and he spoke on behalf of God, as his mouthpiece to the oppressed Israelis. Today, we gather together at the crossroads with a deep sense of urgency and concern in response to our anxiety and worry but gentle with faith and hope despite all the challenges, hardships and persecution which we endure from all walks of life and sometimes from our fellow associates too. The challenges before us are insuperable, they demand renewed commitment, immense grace, wisdom but being decisive in the process for us to overcome anxiety and worry. Prophet Isaiah spoke his message of hope and the way to fulfillment justified by Jesus Christ in Matthew 6 ; 33 which encourage us to Seek the Kingdom of God first and live righteously and his will to give us everything we need. If that is how God clothes his people witnessed in Matthew 6;30, These words contain Gods promise to all his his children in the age of trouble and uncertainty. He promised to provide for our food, clothing, and necessities which vary individually, and politically because he knows our needs! Earlier on, i asked 3 questions based on my Theme Jesus the Redeemer at the Crossroads. Many of times, we the people, are extremely relaxed in our familiar places, i.e homes, work places, colleges etc which becomes naturally our comfort zones until something happens. It can be a blessing in disguise for a good cause which comes with opportunities, or we become victims of a crisis, confusion, and challenges beyond our control which vary from socio-economic issues, power struggle influenced by many dynamics and different types of politics whether its circular or church matters. The consequences are never good many of times to those on the receiving and sometimes they force us to relocate into migration of some sorts which can be internal or external ones country of birth either for safety or greener pastures! Many of times, we find ourselves stuck at the crossroads created by selfish people for the people majority affected by anxiety or worry! According to the writer of the book A wounded Healer, we cannot heal others if we are not healed ourselves and there was a time in life we could not find an opened door opportunity to start a new life of our choice. One day, you happen to come across an opened door, the first thing we say is, Amen, thank you God. I am there, i have made it at last Gradually, we outgrow that room and i.e when we start to see that there are many doors ahaed of us and they are locked too. Today, as we sit / stand stuck at the crossroads for the people, imposed to us by ego driven selfish corrupt people in key areas of power, this is a challenge for us to be bold and courageous enough to call a halt to oppression, lawlessness, hatred, greediness, differences and corruption. - Issues such as conflict and fighting for power poison us. - If we join Christ the Redeemer at the crossroads, we are required to seek unity, and that demands an attitude of tolerance, but we are often intolerant towards other people even to our colleagues and that has devastating effect on stability and Institutional (Movement) growth for true fundamental change in transformation. - Once, we were united by Marikana massacre here, even thou it was unjustified police brutality and the on going service delivery protests and toyi toying for study grants at Higher Institutes of Learning ( Universities) in this country, brings us together for a good purpose in response to crisis which is our responsibilty the affected peole. - Its quite sad that always, we get separated by politicians and politics which is still visible here, in Zimbabwe and Africa at large. Here i am talking about people who claims to be Pan Africanist, socialists, proclaiming legitimate issues of Nationalization, black empowerment, equity, indigenization ,but being contrary to the ideals. - There is no way we can ignore church politics and leave it behind. It is influenced in certain quarters by selfish people in key areas of Leadership, arrogant with assumptions from misconception. While we strive to remain a community that sees, knows what is right or wrong and struggles with many challenges of our time and context, knowing stewardship or giving to the poor, is not enough. Its our duty, we the Christians on the journey to perfection, we must practice stewardship by standing in solidarity with the poor, sick and oppressed people. On Matthew 5;17, the script above our Gospel reading of today, Christ says I did not come to condemn the law of the prophets, i have come to fulfill it He was condemning matters of legality and people in key areas of power upholding the rule of law and using the law of the prophets which was a burden to people, while it is suppose to guide them. Jesus presence and teachings of the sermon on the Mount, became assurance to the subjected, interestingly we all think so and do have stories to tell and who is ready to listen as a focal point for reconciliation, peace and contuinity? It is unethical to be quiet when our Leaders are abusing our rights, their powers at the expense of our patience but we need to seek proper mediation. Matthew 17;1, which follows behind our script of today, also condemn the habit of criticizing others whether its in our communities,or workplace while ignoring our own faults. Lastly, 1st Corinthians 4;1-5 reading justifys it and it read as follows This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. 2 Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 3 I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. 5 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God. Thus, we thank God that despite our anxiety and worry he gave us a privilege in Christ and the right to remain at the foot of the cross, trusting ever for the better. We begin our Lent journey, starting of the 5th of March (Ash Wednesday) for 40 days until Easter Friday, in prayer, fasting meditating ( doing meditation) and generous too to the needy, waiting patiently and trusting in Jesus Christ the Redeemer at the Crossroads, holding fast our belief in the Methodist church vision of A Christ Healed Africa for the Healing of Nations This should inspire us to move forward, for a new beginning, transforming those challenges we are facing into opportunities for us to overcome inequality, poverty, our differences and unemployment. Its equal our responsibility, the Christians, academics, politicians, activists, the concerned and affected people at large to be responsible for a new humility that should be born amongst us that rejects superiority mindset. Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:58:01 +0000

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