The love of Christ 1resonates within us and leaves us with only - TopicsExpress


The love of Christ 1resonates within us and leaves us with only one conclusion: Jesus died humanity’s death; therefore, in God’s logic every individual simultaneously died. (The word, , from , meaning together with and , meaning to echo, to embrace, to hold, and thus translated, to resonate. Jesus didn’t die 99% or for 99%. He died humanity’s death 100%! If Paul had to compromise the last part of verse 14 to read: “one died for all therefore only those who follow the prescriptions to qualify, have also died,” then he would have had to change the first half of the verse as well! Only the love of Christ can make a calculation of such enormous proportion! Theology would question the extremity of God’s love and perhaps prefer to add a condition or two to a statement like that! Seeing everyone equally valued and included in Christ does not lessen one’s passion to communicate Christ effectively, it greatly increases it!) Now if all were included in his death they were equally included in his resurrection. This unveiling of his love redefines human life! Whatever reference we could have of ourselves outside of our association with Christ is no longer relevant. This is radical! No label that could possibly previously define someone carries any further significance! Even our pet doctrines of Christ are redefined. Whatever we knew about him historically or sentimentally is challenged by this conclusion. In the light of your co-inclusion in his death and resurrection, whoever you thought you were before, in Christ you are a brand new person! The old ways of seeing yourself and everyone else are over. Acquaint yourself with the new! To now see everything as new is to simply see what God has always known in Christ; we are not debating man’s experience, opinion, or his contribution; this is 100% God’s belief and his doing. In Jesus Christ, God 1exchanged equivalent value to redeem us to himself. This act of reconciliation is the mandate of our ministry. (The word, , translates as reconciliation; a mutual exchange of equal value.) Our ministry declares that Jesus did not act independent of God. Christ is proof that God reconciled the total kosmos to himself. Deity and humanity embraced in Christ; the fallen state of mankind was deleted; their trespasses would no longer count against them! God has placed this message within us. He now announces his friendship with every individual from within us! II Corinthians 5:14-19 Mirror Bible mobile app. mirrorbible
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 06:18:13 +0000

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