The lovely Bek Young tagged me with a number 9, which means as - TopicsExpress


The lovely Bek Young tagged me with a number 9, which means as much as that I will have to tell you nine things about myself that you might not know (yet). 1. For a couple of years, I dreamed of becoming The Netherlands top Theatre critic - and studied Theatre studies at the University of Amsterdam to get myself there. I visited 2-3 plays per week on average, both for school as well as to write reviews on for websites :) (I dropped out to go travel after two years, which sort of saved my life. (see nr. 6) The theatre landscape seems to crumble apart, with less and less subsidies available, which is sad. I am happy to now be active in the field of holistic wellness. 2. I knew and could feel it when my grandmother passed away (I wanted to go see to her to say goodbye, but everybody thought she was doing okay and I could wait until the following day. She passed away while I was on the train the next day), as well as when my grandfather passed away (I woke up, in Taiwan, with tears streaming down my face, and knew it was end of story). 3. I am ashamed to say that at times I forget words in my native language, Dutch, and make mistakes when writing messages to friends/family. (I used to be such a grammar nazi!) 4. I am spending the next 4,5 months in Asia - as I strongly detest winter and will do anything to get away from it. It will not solely be an extended holiday, as I plan to set up my online nutrition business while I am here, and will be working with clients. 5. I know I am extremely Divinely guided and love being in contact with my angels (or however you want to call them). 6. I refer to Thailand as home. It has not been easy to return to Bangkok this week, as everything in this city seems to remind me of meeting my boyfriend two years ago - who is now my ex-boyfriend. Ouch. I am happy to move on to Chiang Mai (Northern Thailand) tomorrow. It was there that I spent 3 weeks in a temple, just three years ago!, to learn how to meditate and accept my awesome self. 7. I struggled with an eating disorder (Anorexia Nervosa) and severe depression for over 7 years, and was (severely) underweight for a large part of this time. A very scary time for my beloved ones; and what a blessing to have a soul that was and is holding greater plan for me during this time on earth. I am here to serve and so well aware that there is a waiting list with those who desire to be here. 8. I used to be very pessimistic and addicted to pain, negativity and drama. I seem to have flipped to the other side, and noticed that keeping a grateful journal makes a world of a difference. 9. I feel most alive and at ease when Im in transit. No distractions (wifi is so overrated!), awesome conversations to be had, books to be read, notes to be scribbled down, views to be enjoyed. My brain gets crazy creative when I get stuck in what seems to be a capsule where time does not seem to exist. Maybe that is why I dont mind having overnight lay-overs, and happily stay awake at random airports - while filling my notebooks with business ideas, blog posts and other ramblings. BONUS: 10. One of my favourite ways to pass time is using Skyscanner to check where I COULD fly..I love the search options of flying everywhere, or this month, this year. THE OPTIONS! Dream, dream, dream.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 17:54:38 +0000

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Im sick and tired of those wanna be FROM OVERSEAS. LMAO. You must

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