The luster of Cory Booker will fade quickly as you find out he is - TopicsExpress


The luster of Cory Booker will fade quickly as you find out he is a proponent of tax payer funding of private schools. To bad, the desire for campaign donations continues to subvert politicians. How clear is it, that the separation of church and state protects education, scholastic integrity, from the business of religion and choice. What will a religious curriculum teach, fact or the latest religious doctrine? And the taxpayer will get to foot the bill. Children receive inferior education. And of course with the private schools, we can get cheaper, inexperienced teaching candidates to save money for the for profit schools pockets at the expense of education and our children. The decline of our public school system will further aggravate the huge income gap between the rich and the poor. We need exceptional students, not a curriculum that creates specimen to serve the rich, instead of enriching the life experiences of all American citizens. Forget color. Think ahead. A slick talker, like Walker, will screw you and lead you on. By the time you wake up, he has advanced himself at the expense of you and yours. You are left powerless. Divided and conquered. Do not be bamboozled. Malcolm said they would have you thinking that the oppressor was your savior.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 06:28:32 +0000

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