The main reason that Ukip became the third most popular party in - TopicsExpress


The main reason that Ukip became the third most popular party in the country is that people have become very disillusioned with the present party politics, for years they have seen this country being dominated by European Union polices. They can see billions of pounds of taxpayers money being given away, whilst we are told that there is not enough money to run the country. We cant even give our hard-working NHS workers a small rise. If our Parliament passes a law that Europe does not like we are told it cannot happen, as with the recent prisoners voting rights. It costs our legal system millions of pounds a year to fight regulations from the EU. Industry is hamstrung by untold numbers of rules and regulations coming from Brussels almost every week. The Labour open immigration policy has proved to be a disaster, we have opened our borders to criminals who can come and go as they please without any checks. David Cameron has said on a regular basis that he understands the concerns of the people, and constantly makes promises that he cannot keep, he has broken promises before, why believe him now? Labour will not make any promises about Europe at all, and every one know where the Liberal Democrats stand. These are the things that Ukip supporters are concerned about. Nigel Farage is listening to the people, and the people are listening to Mr Farage.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:36:39 +0000

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