The majority of mankind is searcing for happiness, yet very few - TopicsExpress


The majority of mankind is searcing for happiness, yet very few seem to find anything that approaches contentment in their lives. People look to television, cinema, sports & so on for happiness,but though it might come for a short time, any lasting happiness seems to elude them. People seek power, status & material possessions. In return most suffer from fear, hatred, insecurity, ulcers, heart attacks, mental disturbances etc. Yet the way the path towards contentment in life & a positive exuberant attitude towards life is so simple, so simple infact that people never try or even think of trying it. The answer is to raise your awareness, to dive deep into the infinite depths of the mind. It is here that you will find a peace that will transcend all other types of peace that you have experienced. When you know your deeper mind, all the pettiness & conflict will cease to be important. You will still live in the world & do your work, interact with other people, but you will feel a continual state of contentment. You will be in contact with that which has meaning, & which is not concerned with the superficialities that most people tangle themselves with. It is the way ones mind works that is important, the way ones mind interprets outside phenomena as well as the info that is already stored in the mind. One sees people living in swualid conditions, yet they seem to be very happy, through now always. The answer lies in their mind, in the way their mind respond to outside events as well as to itself. So we say to you: change your mind, increase your awareness of the deeper workings of your mind, and happiness will come of itself. The method to attain happiness & contentment is to... MEDITATE! ~Swami Satyananda Saraswati an incredible bright light!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 04:53:37 +0000

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