The majority of planets in the universe are vegetarian planets, - TopicsExpress


The majority of planets in the universe are vegetarian planets, and eating meat is the sign of extreme backwardness of the planetary civilization. 如何让地球人接受吃素的理念并且做到吃素?Osifu一直在思考这个问题。这个问题不是喊喊口号就能解决的。 How to make earthly humans accept the idea of veganism and manage to do it? Osifu has been thinking about this question, which cannot be solved by only shouting slogans. 地球文明发展到今天还没彻底解决人吃人的问题,何况解决人吃动物的问题呢? Having developed to the present stage, earthly civilization hasn’t completely solved the problem of cannibalism in humans, let alone the problem of humans eating animals? 尽管难度很大,看似无法解决,但Osifu依然充满信心:地球人一定会戒杀吃素,地球一定会成为素食星球。 Even though the degree of difficulty is huge and seems insurmountable, Osifu is still full of confidence: Earthly humans will surely abstain from killing and keep vegetarian diet, and the earth will surely become a vegetarian planet. 仅仅地球人戒杀吃素的地球还不算是素食星球,只有地球上所有的食肉动物戒杀吃素,地球才能成为真正意义上的素食星球。这可能吗?Osifu的答案是坚决而肯定的:可能。不仅仅是可能,而且是一定会实现。 It cannot be considered as a vegetarian planet with only earthly humans abstaining from killing and keeping vegetarian diet. Only when all predators on the earth abstain from killing and go vegan will the earth truly become a vegetarian planet. Is that possible? Osifu’s answer is determined and affirmative: Yes, it is possible. It is not only possible, but also certain to be realized. 所有地球生灵一起戒杀吃素的地球才能成为素食星球。你们或许觉得Osifu在奇思妙想,越讲越玄乎,其实不玄。 Only when all earthly beings abstain from killing and go vegan will the earth become a vegetarian planet. Maybe you think that Osifu is thinking wildly and the topic becomes more mysterious as it continues. Actually, it is not. 地球在清洗、调整、净化、升华、扬升,地球上所有的物种也都同时在清洗、调整、净化、升华、扬升,扬升后的地球将是素食星球,扬升后的物种也将是素食的物种。 The earth is undergoing cleaning, adjustment, purification, sublimation and ascension. Meanwhile, all species on the earth are also undergoing the same process. The earth after its ascension will be a vegetarian planet and the species after their ascension will become vegetarian species. Osifu反复讲过地球没有末日,地球的未来会更加美好。其中一个重要指标就是未来的地球将成为素食星球,万物生灵之间和谐共处,彼此之间不再有弱肉强食,不再有杀害伤害,不再有流血纷争。 Osifu has expounded repeatedly that the earth has no doomsday and the future of the earth will be even much better. One important indicator is that the future earth will become a vegetarian planet; all creatures will live harmoniously; there will be no the strong preying upon the weak; there will be no more killing and hurting; and there will be no more bloodshed and fighting. Osifu今天再次明确告诉大家:地球没有末日!未来的地球必将成为万物生灵的天堂、万物生灵的净土、万物生灵的乐园。 Today, Osifu once more tells you explicitly: The earth has no doomsday! The future earth will surely become a paradise, a pure land and a blessed place for all creatures.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 11:35:47 +0000

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