The man next door The next door, few steps away From my being - TopicsExpress


The man next door The next door, few steps away From my being here and there It reamins along, all the clouds A man alike me but the next door I invade others shadows often in the street But hide mine from the sun to fall upon me And the man next my door stops me For doing that, for not being me Who am I? The question revolves with the earth, Day and night pass and replies come not, And in ambiguity, I induce more frames Around me, thinking I am invisible to you But the man next door knows me The day I built my house here, he came And lives here all winters and summers But I ignore him, as I do to me. I feel betrayed now from all the lands I treated me cold and no sun I feel warm And the men next door is sad today Looking upon me, and my weinkled forehead. After the lost posture, I gained my courage And with clumsy feet, I knocked his door None opened today, had he left? After being ignored for many years My head hung in desolate, I fell on my knees And the door opened but the house was empty I looked in, an empty heart and I walked in But he was nowhere all there was me. And I realised this was I supposed to be From the day I came, but what eyes see Often ignore what they do not wish to see And now my eyes see what I meant to be There always lives a man of your choice But we often ignore him and shut our doors And we roam behind close walls ending nowhere But upon your feet, those walk endless The man next door is a polite one Never offer an argue to you till you offer one And the day you talk to him, innocently He is the best friend, he is you, you are him. (C) Dharmendra Arya 04.12.14 All rights reserved.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 08:01:14 +0000

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