The man popularly credited with devising the strategy that landed - TopicsExpress


The man popularly credited with devising the strategy that landed Jimmy Carter in the White House is Hamilton Jordan. A few weeks prior to the November 1976 election, he stated: If, after the inauguration, you find a Cy Vance as Secretary of State and Zbigniew Brzezinski as head of National Security, then I would say we failed. And I would quit. Youre going to see new faces and new ideas. (6) After the election, Mr. Carter promptly named Cyrus Vance to be his Secretary of State and Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the head of National Security, exactly what Mr. Jordan had said would never happen. But the real question is: What is it about Mr. Vance and Mr. Brzezinski that prompted Jordan to make such a statement? And the answer is that these two men are pillars of the very Establishment that candidate Carter so often attacked. When Jimmy Carter appointed him to be Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance was a Wall Street lawyer, the Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and a veteran of service in the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon Administrations. Zbigniew Brzezinski had taught at Harvard and Columbia Universities, served in the State Department during the Johnson Administration, and authored numerous books and articles for various Establishment publishers and periodicals. But, beyond all of these Establishment credentials, at the time of their appointment by Jimmy Carter, both Vance and Brzezinski were members of the Board of Directors of a little-known organization called the Council on Foreign Relations. Also, each was a member of the very exclusive Trilateral Commission. Most Americans have never heard of these two organizations. But knowing something about them is essential to understanding what has been going on in America for several decades. So, let us examine, first, the Council on Foreign Relations and then, later on, the Trilateral Commission. The House Blueprint The Council on Foreign Relations (7) was incorporated in 1921. It is a private group which is headquartered at the corner of Park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City, in a building given to the organization in 1929. The CFRs founder, Edward Mandell House, had been the chief adviser of President Woodrow Wilson. House was not only Wilsons most prominent aide, he actually dominated the President. Woodrow Wilson referred to House as my alter ego (my other self), and it is totally accurate to say that House, not Wilson, was the most powerful individual in our nation during the Wilson Administration, from 1913 until 1921. Unfortunately for America, it is also true that Edward Mandell House was a Marxist whose goal was to socialize the United States. In 1912 House wrote the book, Philip Dru: Administrator; (8) In it, he said he was working for Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx. The original edition of the book did not name House as its author, but he made it clear in numerous ways that he indeed was its creator. In Philip Dru: Administrator, Edward Mandell House laid out a fictionalized plan for the conquest of America. He told of a conspiracy (the word is his) which would gain control of both the Democratic and Republican parties, and use them as instruments in the creation of a socialistic world government. The book called for passage of a graduated income tax and for the establishment of a state-controlled central bank as steps toward the ultimate goal. Both of these proposals are planks in The Communist Manifesto.(9) And both became law in 1913, during the very first year of the House-dominated Wilson Administration. The House plan called for the United States to give up its sovereignty to the League of Nations at the close of World War I. But when the U.S. Senate refused to ratify Americas entry into the League, Edward Mandell Houses drive toward world government was slowed down. Disappointed, but not beaten, House and his friends then formed the Council on Foreign Relations, whose purpose right from its inception was to destroy the freedom and independence of the United States and lead our nation into a world government — if not through the League of Nations, then through another world organization that would be started after another world war. The control of that world government, of course, was to be in the hands of House and like-minded individuals. From its beginning in 1921, the CFR began to attract men of power and influence. In the late 1928, important financing for the CFR came from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation. In 1940, at the invitation of President Roosevelt, members of the CFR gained domination over the State Department, and they have maintained that domination ever since. The Making of Presidents By 1944, Edward Mandell House was deceased but his plan for taking control of our nations major political parties began to be realized. In 1944 and in 1948, the Republican candidate for President, Thomas Dewey, was a CFR member. In later years, the CFR could boast that Republicans Eisenhower and Nixon were members, as were Democrats Stevenson, Kennedy, Humphrey, and McGovern. The American people were told they had a choice when they voted for President. But with precious few exceptions, Presidential candidates for decades have been CFR members. But the CFRs influence had also spread to other vital areas of American life. Its members have run, or are running, NBC and CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Des Moines Register, and many other important newspapers. The leaders of Time, Life, Newsweek, Fortune, Business Week, and numerous other publications are CFR members. The organizations members also dominate the academic world, top corporations, the huge tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, the military, and just about every segment of American life. (10) - from the book Insiders
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:59:08 +0000

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