The man who died in Dallas was the first person known to have - TopicsExpress


The man who died in Dallas was the first person known to have brought in Ebola not as a patient being transported. The Ebola virus was transmitted from him a resident of Dallas. Therefore the known record of Ebola victims carriers who entered the country without symptoms who then transmitted the virus to an American resident is now at 100 percent. Who else have both of these individuals infected and who will they infect? The CDC does not ask this question and they ignore it when others ask. They just wait for symptoms, then confine, then trace back to find who that person has been with. With a time period in which someone with the virus can tranmist the disease to others is as long as three weeks the possibilities of infection are stupendous. Tell me. Since you are not going to say anything about this danger to anyone, can you at least suggest someone I can talk to to get some action in forcing the government and the private CDC corporation to change their practices. Dick Eastman Yakima, Washington Forget the horrific agony from the symptoms, forget whether the virus is somebodys weapon -- WHAT MATTERS MOST IS THE EPIDEMIC IS NOT BEING FOUGHT THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FOUGHT Another reader skeptical about Ebola being contagious during the 2 to 21 day no-symptom period. From C.L. Dick - thanks for copying out those extracts. Theyre very informative, but I dont see that any of them claim Ebola is infectious before symptoms appear - which is what you allege them to be saying. Am I missing something? As I understand it, there has to be a certain critical density of virus in a host before the host can be described as infectious, because the virus has to enter the contactees bloodstream in sufficient numbers to overwhelm the initial immune response. So, while theoretically and hypothetically you may be right that all it takes is one functioning virus to transmit infection, in reality that single virus would be eradicated by the immune system of the person it invaded before being able to reproduce. Again as I understand it, this is why Ebola is regarded as non-infectious before symptoms commence. Yes virus are present, but their numbers are too small to represent a realistic threat of infecting others. I may be wrong, but I dont see anything in those extracts you sent me to suggest so. CL Reply: First: For most there is no immunity -- the virus is new to the world, it has not been endemic in our populations. Second: It has never been shown or even investigated that there is a threshhold in numbers of virons that must be present for the virus to take hold. But we do know that one viron is all that is necessary to establish colonization. Yes, more numbers men greater probability that close proximity of host and a non-infected person will lead to infection, death and more transmission by the new carrier. But even if the difference in transmission probability for a given situation -- say high school wrestlers fighting or a host sneezing in someones face while their mouth was opened -- what if the chances are 5 to 1 when the host has full blown symptoms and only 10 to 1, or 15 to 1 or 30 to 1 during the first week of the hosts infection. Even 50 to 1 can result in a pandemic if the virus in its most contagious period in the host has generated enough carriers who are given freedom to travel freely sneezing, kissing, copulating, leaving their fluids here and there for this and that reason. The Ebola viron does not evolve or become more potent during the pre-symptom period. One filovirus viron is capable of doing all that any other viron does. Ebola virons are present in the body weeks before the high fever and rash appear. Yet during this time the virus is in the blood stream and circulating throught the body, where they find their way into saliva, breast milk, feces, saliva. One viron from a host that through a variety of ways leaves that host and comes into contract with specific susceptible cells in the nose, mouth, or an open cut or scrape can cause infection. A viron in a droplet of sputim may land on a table where it can attach it self to someones hand who touches that spot and then from that persons hand reach their mouth. One viron is all that is needed to kill someone and to start a whole new family tree of carriers, each new carrier 50 to 90 percent doomed to die, but also capable of emitting Ebola virons during the last two weeks of life (the symptomatic period) and during the previous 2 days to three weeks in which they are infected and contagious carriers exhibiting no outward sign. Not only did I send you and everybody in my address book -- my reply to you but I also sent my detailed reply to a paper out of Oxford on Ebola contagion!!! No one replied to it. It states clearly that the infected are contagious. Did you get it? Here it is again. Let me know that you got it. Let me know that you read it. It demonstrates how the true nature of Ebola as a contagion is being covered up -- yet they clearly state further down, what they ignore elsewhere -- that Ebola virus is contagious from the first. Dick Eastman Yakima, Washington ---------------------- If Ebola is not stopped, it has the potential to reduce the human population of the earth from over 7 billion to around 3.5 billion in a relatively short period of time. - Dmitry Orlov -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scgnews/ebola-what-youre-not-being-told Right now in West Africa the worst Ebola outbreak in history is in full swing and is jumping borders at an alarming rate. Already it has spread to four countries, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and now Nigeria. This latest jump into Nigeria is particularly serious since the infected individual carried the virus by plane to Lagos Nigeria, a city with a population of over 21 million. Doctors without borders has referred to the outbreak as out of control. To make matters worse, there is something very, very important that the corporate media and public health officials are not telling you regarding this crisis. Youll notice if you read virtually any mainstream article on the topic that they make a point of insisting that Ebola is only transferred by physical contact with bodily fluids. This is not true, at all. A study conducted in 2012 showed that Ebola was able to travel between pigs and monkeys that were in separate cages and were never placed in direct contact. Though the method of transmission in the study was not officially determined, one of the scientists involved, Dr. Gary Kobinger, from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada, told BBC News that he believed that the infection was spread through large droplets that were suspended in the air. What we suspect is happening is large droplets; they can stay in the air, but not long; they dont go far, he explained. But they can be absorbed in the airway, and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way. Translation: Ebola IS an airborne virus. (as is annotated in the video and below, I am using this term in the laymans sense as TRAVELS THROUGH AIR) UPDATE: Someone pointed out that in medical terms, if the virus is transferred through tiny droplets in the air this would technically not be called an airborne virus. Airborne, in medical terms would mean that the virus has the ability to stay alive without a liquid carrier. On one hand this is a question of semantics, and the point is well taken, but keep in mind that the study did not officially determine how the virus traveled through the air, it merely established that it does travel through the air. Doctor Kobingers hypothesis regarding droplets of liquid is just that, a hypothesis. For the average person however what needs to be understood is very simple: if you are in a room with someone infected with Ebola, you are not safe, even if you never touch them or their bodily fluids, and this is not what you are being told by the mainstream media. Essentially I am using the word airborne as a layman term. Now Im not going to speculate as to whether these so called journalist and public health agencies who keep repeating the official line regarding the means of transmission are lying, or are just participating in some massive display of synchronized incompetence, but what I will say, is that this shoddy reporting is most likely getting people killed right now, and may in fact put all of humanity in danger. How so? By convincing people that the virus cannot travel through air, important precautions that could reduce the spread of the virus are not being taken. For example the other passengers on the plane that traveled to Lagos, Nigeria were not quarantined. [UPDATE August 6th]: According to the AP and the BBC, Patrick Sawyer, the Ebola infected man who traveled to Lagos Nigeria by plane, passed the disease on to eight health workers before being properly isolated. Video: What You are Not Being Told -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movie - Ebola is Dangerous https://youtube/watch?v=w-bC6pfzxxo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In March of 2009, pharmaceutical giants Baxter and Bayer attempted to infect the populations of 18 countries with a deadly laboratory-made bird flu which -- when introduced to sizable populations -- was certain to mutate and/or recombine with the non-lethal airborne seasonal flu virus in the vaccines which health departments of nations typically dispense to their citizens. https://youtube/watch?v=CXsO43i5i1A&list=UUoHd6L0ataUk3OA8fVmQDOg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US Soldiers to be sent to the Ebola epidemic regions are to be vaccinated with a new Ebola vaccine. The US government is allowing American Christian missionaires to go to Ebola-infected regions of West Africa to care for Ebola victims -- with no thought that after their missionary work these workers will be returning (without a 25 day quarantine!) to the US - where they will return to their families and jobs and stores and churchs for perhaps two or three weeks before they, if they have actually conracted the virus, will know that they are subjecting their fellow citizens to the infection. May I suggest that just the money for their airfares would have benefited people in the containment regions much more. They could have supplied them with secure waste disposal systems and gloves and printed information on what really must be done to stop Ebola epidemic. The globalist position that it is wrong for people to want to protect their country from Ebola and that 150 people from West Africa should continue flying into the US every day -- shows that the people in charge are not merely incompetent -- they are at best actually indifferent and fully misinformed about the spread of the epidemic or else they want to epidemic to spread. To me the evidence suggests the latter.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:35:27 +0000

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