The man who, in normal, ­everyday life, would have been tried - TopicsExpress


The man who, in normal, ­everyday life, would have been tried twice for common assault and once for using racially ­aggravating ­language, is, ­apparently, of a mind to take ­Liverpool Football Club to court. Most modern transfer tales have a noxious whiff about them. The Luis Suarez saga stinks to high heaven. The stench is so foul, it is hard to catch your breath. Suarez, ­seemingly, is ready to seek legal recourse against the people who stood by him when he referred to a black player as “negro” and, when unprovoked, he bit an opponent. He wants to squirm his seedy way out of a ­contract that he signed only last year with this ­declaration: “I hope to play for many years here. “This is a great team and everyone around the world knows ­Liverpool. “To sign a new ­contract with ­Liverpool is ­unbelievable for me because I am so happy here at both the club and also in the city.” And to think Arsene Wenger wants to sign this character. We know why. He is a truly ­outstanding player. A matchwinner. But this is the Wenger, who so often talks about “values”. He was at it again on ­Friday. “We have values that we want our players to respect. No matter where they come from, we will be, of course, very touchy on that. “This club has built a ­reputation not only over my years here, but over 130 years, and values that are very ­important for this club have to be respected by every player.” Indeed. Even by those who have helped Arsenal accrue nearly 100 red cards during Wenger’s time at the club. But that’s another matter. Presumably, the “values” include ­acting with ­honour. After all, Wenger himself sets the tone, having never broken a ­contract. But he doesn’t mind if Liverpool’s most talented player seeks to do so. Wenger wants matters with Liverpool to be “amicable”. But “amicable” is not how you would ­describe the bid of 40million and one pounds. Who told Wenger and Arsenal about the clause – strongly disputed – in Liverpool’s agreement with Suarez? And when they found out, was it classy – honourable in the Arsenal ­tradition – just to add on the extra pound? No, it came across more as the ruse of a smart Alec. Remember Wenger’s rage when Barcelona were in full unsettling mode over Cesc Fabregas? So, it is clear he is not concerned about the “values” of Suarez. Just his value. The player is a wrong one, simple as that. His biggest crime has been to gravely embarrass Liverpool, to put Steven Gerrard in a position where he has to implore Suarez to stay, to humiliate a progressive and ­eminently likeable manager in Brendan Rodgers, to laugh at the support of the fans. A club of Liverpool’s stature ­deserves better. And – should the unthinkable, unpalatable scenario arise – it ­certainly deserves better than to be taken to a court by a ­wretchedly-behaved character such as Suarez. No. Liverpool should not wait for the transfer request or the court case. We should pack Suarez off to London, take the £40m and toss the pound coin back at Arsenal just like Jamie Carragher did that time. At least then, they would be the only ones in this sorry episode ­acting with the sort of “values” Wenger likes to spout about.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 10:58:09 +0000

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