The meaning of Message of the hour Extract of the Book of - TopicsExpress


The meaning of Message of the hour Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe Kc.59 / 14 Well, this morning, I would like to preach on the subject: The meaning of Message of the hour. I have tried to find a base verse for this preaching but I have not found any yet. If I don’t find any, consider that it is Mat.25:6. For his ministry, Jesus only read Isaiah 61:1-2. 15 Well, what does Message of the hour mean? It is about that I want to speak this morning. 16 Well, one day, God sent a man to the human kind. That man was Noah. What did he say in his preaching? I don’t know. Moses did not know! Jeremiah, Samuel, Isaiah, Branham, Wesley… did not know! Why therefore did not God, through Moses or one of the prophets, reveal what Noah said? Because that was not necessary! When Moses was preaching, Noah’s Message was worthless because there was another generation, another lifestyle, another vision, another mission … the book of Noah’s Message, the Jews in Egypt did not need it. And today, May 14, 2006, we don’t need it… 17 Thus, there were Moses, Samuel, Isaiah… Well, after Isaiah, there was Jeremiah. And while Jeremiah was prophesying, how many books could the Bible of the Jews contain? … [Ed: the congregation says: 23 books].Very good, I can see that you are in the spirit of the preaching. From Genesis to Isaiah, that makes 23 books. 18 Well, the Jews had already 23 books when Jeremiah was prophesying. Yet, those 23 books the Jews did not need them if they had always obeyed God. But notice however that the most important book of all the prophetic books was a certain book of the Message of Jeremiah. And this book was fought against, burnt once by king Jehoiakim, ridiculed like Jeremiah himself. Jeremiah himself was alive and hated by all. In those days, the living Word of God was contained in a book and that book for the elect had much more value than the book of Samuel, the book of Exodus, the book of Isaiah… That is what the branhamists do not understand! 19 Be it today or in twenty years or in forty years or even in two hundred years, the Message of William Branham will always be the Word of God like the book of Haggai or Zephaniah but it is worthless, it can no longer give Life to anyone! It is the Message of another generation. 20 Let’s suppose we were living in year 606 before our era, with that Bible of 23 books going from Genesis to Isaiah, the will of God for us would neither be in the book of Exodus, nor the book of Esther, or the book of 2 Samuel but in the book containing the Message of a Jeremiah, setting himself up as a prophet-messenger and declaring that his green Book with an eagle on the cover had the same prophetic value as any of the 23 books of their Bible. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. 21 People said: You said that our churches were nets of Satan, we accepted. You said that our versions of bibles were fetishes, we accepted. You said that our holy spirit was the devil, we accepted but this time, we can see that you are the antichrist, you’ve unveiled yourself!…. Jeremiah told them: the prophets, whose books you have in your Bible, were treated this way by your fathers and that is no surprise to me if you do not understand me! 22 While those ones were speaking that way before Jeremiah, others were there, with tears in their eyes saying in their heart: oohh God! You be blessed! Because it is today that I realise the value and the goal of the Bible I carry. It is today that I see and even the Message that I’ve believed for long, it is today that I understand what it is! …. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen! ].You see? Jeremiah told them: Your Bible is old history! If somebody believes in me and follows me without having a Bible, he is saved because I am the light of the world and the bread which has come down from Heaven for you! They said: This man is mad! Why do we waste our time listening to him? He wants to makes himself the equal of Brother Isaiah! 23 And Jeremiah added: Today, the Word of Jesus of Nazareth cannot save you! And there, they sought to kill him saying: is it a sin for someone to kill some person who says that the Word of Jesus cannot save? There was a rabbi who said: No! Moses says that in this case it is not a sin!. And they were full of anger! 24 Notice that when Jeremiah came on the scene, the generation of Isaiah had just passed, 31 years ago, but people, plus Jews, acted as if they had no notion of prophet. You see? Between Isaiah and Jeremiah, there is approximately 71 years, that is, a generation plus 31 years. 25 Jeremiah told them: You are rejecting me but know that the work of God is to recognize him that he has sent! They retorted: the one that God has sent is Moses! One of them said : we are not rejecting you but don’t say that you are the only one who has the truth! Another one said: And show us where your name: Jeremiah is written in the Bible like Moses and Isaiah so we may believe because the Bible says that several false prophets will come . Jeremiah said: I am alone against all your great number of prophets whose photographs are posted on walls and you think that I am a false prophet while the Bible says that only false prophets will be numerous! 26 Others said again to Jeremiah: We do want to believe in your message but the Bible, does our 23-book Bible confirm your message? Show us your message through our Bible! And we believe nothing if that is not written in the Bible! Only the Bible because Moses said that false prophets would come Jeremiah shouted and said: You sons of the devil, go away! By which Message or which Bible did Noah confirm his Message? By which Message or which Bible did Moses confirm his Message? By which Message or which Bible did Moses confirm the Genesis? If you want a confirmation, here is the eclipse of April 24 going from Brazil, from black America to Asia! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen !] Here is the eclipse of March 29, a sign coming from heaven for the entire earth and every eye saw it! If not my Message is not in search for confirmation and my Message does not suffer from any confirmation! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!] A Message does not seek any confirmation from another Message! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. It is rather up to you to find my confirmation in your Bible, you are the ones who need a confirmation! Look for some! You see? 27 In the evening time, God gave a great sign coming from heaven and every eye had seen that. A natural cloud for people but supernatural for God. And the prophet could say: Turn that and you will see! and when they turned it, they saw the supernatural side. 28 And if only the world can turn the photograph of that eclipse, it will see that it is a sign coming from God in confirmation of this Message. The Bible said: For as the lightning goes forth from the east to the west. That forms a semi-circle, but where is the other half of the big circle of the earth? Like the rainbow, behold the other half here, on this side, going from the West to the East. What is it? God Himself has spoken! It is over! 29 Jeremiah did not seek the confirmation of his Message in any of the 23 books before him. Neither in the book of Samuel, nor the book of Leviticus, or the book of Isaiah… 30 If you think that the purpose of a Bible is to confirm Messages or to support the preachings of the churches then you have not understood anything of Christianity! You see? 31 And give each book back to its generation and you will see that: bible Institute, pastoral School and all that does not mean anything and the world does not need it! Give each book back to its generation and you will see that you are naked! This is madness! 32 When you see in the Bible: Book of Isaiah, understand through that: Book of the generation of the prophet Isaiah or Book of Prophet Isaiah for his generation. 33 The current Christianity has missed its mission! You see? Reject the Message of your time and do whatever you want, put the photograph of Jesus, Peter, Mary, Mary of Magdala in your living room, hang crosses on the wall… but you are an impostor! You are only a madman! God sees you as one sees a madman, with worthless bags and luggage! 34 They told Jeremiah: Are you sinless for you to speak to us in that manner? Jeremiah told them: do you know the life of the prophets and messengers of whom you carry the books in your Bible? You claim yourselves of such and such messenger and prophet. At the judgement, those of whom they are really the fathers, when they see them, they will recognize them but you, you are grafts, bats! 39 You see? There is no type in the Bible, you cannot say to this king: You are this king or do like that king! And you cannot say to a generation: the Message of this prophet to his generation is also for you , even if things look the same. Has God ever done that? No! You’d better look for [the] living Jesus-Christ of your generation and when you find Him, make it known to Kacou Philippe so we may all go to worship Him. If not know that you have a historical faith and that you will go to hell. 40 When Jeremiah, the prophet-messenger, declared that his green book with an eagle on its cover had much more value than any of the 23 books of their Bible, some said: It is a blasphemy!, others despised him, hated him especially since he did not have an influential appearance. You see? 41 What should they do to escape Nebuchadnezzar? What should they do to… Should they go to Egypt or not? The answer was in the book of Jeremiah, not with the priests, scribes but with Jeremiah. The answer was not with the other prophets who existed before Jeremiah or at the time of Jeremiah, but with Jeremiah. 42 You see? When Jeremiah was prophesying, the children of God had already given more value to his book to each of the 23 books of their Bible. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!] . The book of Jeremiah had much more value for them than each of the 23 books of their Bible. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!] When Abdias was prophesying, the children of God had already given greater value than to the book of Abdias than to each of the 30 books of their Bible. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen! ].When Amos was prophesying, the children of God had already given much more value to his book than to each of the 29 books of their Bible. [Ed : the congregation says: Amen!]. 43 And it was so for each prophet during his ministry and his generation. 44 When the small prophet Abdias was performing his ministry, in year 599 before our era, for that year 599, the living Word of God was not one of the 30 books which their Bible had then but the living Word of God was Abdias’ small sheet of paper. It is never a scribe or a priest but one prophet-messenger. You see? 45 And if that is the case, the will of God will never come to a pastor, apostle or doctor or evangelist or prophet but rather to a prophet- messenger. That is why I say that no prophet, pastor, evangelist, reverend, apostle or doctor or other apart from the prophet- messenger can write a book. 46 With Jews, those who are in charge of writing are scribes and they wrote Jews books of history which are the books of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and what else?… but have you seen in the Bible the book of the scribe so-and-so? Or the book of the priest so-and-so? The book of the chief priest so-and-so? Did the chief priest Abiathar write? Did the chief priest Elnathan write? Did the chief priest Zadok write? But see these churches of Satan today! See these children of the devil! Some others wrote four, five, six books! And yet, Habakkuk: one book, Daniel: one book, Ezekiel: one book, Malachi, Amos, Joel… Do not be distracted! God will swallow them all, them and those who read them or listen to them. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. 47 Well, let’s come back to John the Baptist now… oh! I’m going to take the case of Jesus to go faster. Well, when Jesus was preaching, the Bible contained 39 books, going from Genesis to Malachi. For Jews, till the end of the world there will be only 39 books. And yet, the living Word of God for the elect was the words of the Lord Jesus-Christ. When Jesus was preaching, the book that was valuable to the elect was not contained in their Bible of 39 books. You see? That is what we are confronted to today. 48 If the world stopped at the time of Isaiah, Jews would not know that the Bible would one day go beyond 23 books. If the world stopped at John the Baptist’s, Jews would not know that the Bible would go beyond 39 books. And the human kind does not know that at the judgement it will see itself before more than 66 books. 49 And in Rev.20:12, John recognized the Bible as being the book of life he knew on earth, the Bible he knows but as for the other books, he does not say anything! That’s it! Rev.20:12 says: books were opened; and another book was opened … You see? But Daniel 7 says: thrones were set ... And the judgment was set, and the books were opened.… .Daniel saw the final judgement, the Spirit of Daniel entered into the counsel of God’s judgement. Daniel means: Who judges for God. And I have been led several times to speak about the final judgment and what it will be because it is the Spirit of Daniel. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].You see? 50 Each generation, one book for the judgement; each generation, one book; each generation, one book! It was not only the unknown language that Daniel saw but Daniel saw all these things and as his Spirit comes back on earth, the earth receives what it is of it![Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. 51 Gentlemen and Ladies, put down your old beliefs and your intellectual luggage and your reasonings and you will see that it is the Spirit of Elijah, Daniel and Jesus-Christ that are working through this ministry of Mat.25:6 without you being explained anything![Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. 52 What will save you or will condemn you is only in the prophetic Message of your time! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. 53 In the Message of Noah are the judgment and the redemption for his generation only. We will not be able to ask Korah and Dathan, what attitude had you had before the Message of Noah? We will not be able to ask Osborn and his group, what attitude had you had when Jews was sawing Isaiah into pieces? We will not be able to tell the generation of William Branham that has not heard this Message, if…In Act.19, if those disciples of John the Baptist had died before they met Paul, they were saved without the baptism of the Holy Spirit and with their baptism of repentance. But having met Paul, if they had refused to be re-baptised, they would have been going straight to hell! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].You see? I see that you understand! So explain it to the branhamists! 54 Every generation will come forth before the Message of its time. You see? If a Bible were to be presented in the millennium, it would have more than 66 books and the prophetic book of God to this generation would be inserted in it. [Ed: the congregation says:Amen!]. Thus from 1906 to 2002, one book, William Marrion Branham’s, so from 1965 to 2002, no book and since 2002, the book of Prophet Kacou Philippe. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen! ].You see? It is the book of the Bible for this generation. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. 55 You have heard that it is the book containing the Message that enlightens the Bible but it is more than that. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].God does not send a Message to enlighten the Bible! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. It is the book of the Bible for our generation. It is the most living book of the Bible for our generation. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].It is the most living book of the Bible for every chosen one today. More living than the book of Isaiah. More living than the book of Jeremiah! More living than the book of Joel! More living than the book of Malachi! More living than the words of Moses, Jesus of Nazareth and Paul… Oh! Glorious Message! Precious Light! [Ed: the congregation says: Amen! to each sentence]. 56 The Bible has the same value as the history of the Church of the Nations about the acts of Jan Huss, Martin Luther, John Wesley and others. Thus I cannot believe in what Luther did in 1520 and be saved. And if one can believe in a forty-year ago past Message to be saved, I will believe in that of Moses, Jeremiah or Isaiah as the pharisees did before Jesus! I’d better believe in Noah, Moses, Isaiah or one of the prophets that the Bible has itself authenticated. 57 And if in 2002, after having rejected the midnight Cry, one can comfortably set himself in Branham’s seat and be saved then at the judgment Jesus-Christ has to apologise to the pharisees. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].You see? 58 Even the devil confesses that we are at midnight and how will a son of God be unaware of it? Ewald Frank says that we are at midnight and that his circular letters have to be regarded as the midnight Cry. I emphasize that he started publishing circular letters since 1966. Alexis Barilier says that: the midnight cry is emitted by the Lord Himself through several servants of God… 59 At the judgment, when the generation of Amos or Jeremiah comes, should it be judged with Noah’s Message or Branham’s? No! According to Rev .20:12. At the judgment of the white throne, which book will God judge you with? With Jeremiah’s book? Are you of the generation of Jeremiah? Do you Know Pashhur? Do you know Baruch, the son of Nerijah? You know Jehoiakim? Do you know Zedekiah? When you were on earth, was the leader of Israel Zedekiah or Ariel Sharon? You see? Stop seducing yourselves! Did you support or oppose Jeremiah in his afflictions? You see? You have nothing to do with the generations of these books of Jeremiah, Isaiah or others. 60 Like Noah, Abel and Enoch, Jeremiah’s book could not even be added to the Bible and God was going to achieve his goal today. Be it the book of Matthew, Luke or other, it is the same! But at the judgement, there is a book that will be opened and when you hear names like Osborn, Ewald Frank, Kacou Philippe, then that will mean something to you. You see? When you hear Daniel 11 or 1 Kings 19, you will say: I heard that on the earth! But a man of Noah’s generation will say: But what’s that? 61 Similarly when you see Noahs Ark you will say: But what is this large boat? It must be a fishing vessel, or a goods boat! But somebody of Noah’s generation will exclaim: Oh! It is Noahs Ark! You see? 62 In the beginning was already Jesus, the Word. Thus, the Message of Jeremiah is living Jesus-Christ for the generation of Jeremiah. The Message of Noah is living Jesus-Christ for the generation of Noah. The Message of Amos is living Jesus-Christ for the generation of Amos. Jesus-Christ, Himself, preaching in the streets of Jerusalem, is living Jesus-Christ for the generation of Peter, John, Mary of Magdala and others. The midnight Cry is living Jesus-Christ for our generation. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen! ]. 63 The solution to all the acts of Satan in the churches and in the life of people today is not in a book of the Bible but in the book of Prophet Kacou Philippe. 64 You say: I see too many dreams, I feel some burning or fire sensations like Joseph Coleman, I… The solution is neither in any of the 66 books of the Bible, nor in the Message of William Branham but in the book of the Message of the hour. The most important book of the Bible for this generation is the book of Prophet Kacou Philippe. THE MIDNIGHT CRY HAS SOUNDED. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].You see? 65 Well, let’s come back to… the branhamist Joseph Coleman feels some burning sensations from head to toes. Pins and needles sensations too. You see? At the beginning, when he felt those fire sensations, he certainly considered them good as that is the case of a multitude of people, saying that it is the fire of the Holy Spirit. But when the thing became worrying, he asked his disciples to pray for him! But if you, the master, are possessed with the demon, how will the disciples be able to deliver you? Yet, those fire sensations are a physical manifestation of the spirit of divination. You see? If he dies before he hears the midnight Cry I do not know his fate but if he hears the midnight Cry and rejects it, he will go to hell. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. 66 And if a man of the generation of Moses comes and stands in the lot of Matth.25:6, it is like an Englishman among the Swahili. Did you notice what happened at the opening of the fifth seal? The Jews in time of grace ask God to avenge their blood on the inhabitants on the earth. And on that, one day, Ewald Frank asked William Branham if God still imputes the sin of the six million Jews killed under the Nazi regime to Germany? The answer is simple! If God imputed to all the Jews the blood of Jesus shed by Jews 1900 years ago, without any exception, then the crime of the Germans rests on Ewald Frank and all the Germans. And if a son of God in Germany hears me, he will say: O God! Have mercy on us! 67 And when Ewald Frank publishes the wisdom of Brother Branham saying that the fault falls on those who killed those Jews, it is a trap and act of a serpent to trap Germans! 68 You say: Brother Philippe, there are churches who did not agree with that regime! Yes! There were some Jews also who did not agree with the crucifixion of Jesus but they were all massacred or deported in year 70 without any exception. Those churches should be opposed the massacres of those Jews to the risk of their life. What Ewald Frank should ask to Brother Branham is what Germany must do faced with this curse. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!].You see? All the Jews did not crucify Jesus but they were all deported. You see? I do not know Ewald Frank, this cousin of pope Benedict XVI, but he is a powerful instrument in Satan’s hands. Maybe he does not know it but that is what he is. You see? He distracts people, he even leads astray and benumbs people on insignificant things that even the Message of William Branham had gone past! If it is not a banal thing that occurred somewhere that he speaks of, it is of Islam if not of Rome or catholicism. Insignificant things! Outdated things! You see? 69 As true as God exists, also true, Ewald Frank is the antichrist! He that has received power to mislead the elect if that were possible is Ewald Frank! Not the pope of Rome that Luther unveiled more than five hundred years ago but it is him, Ewald Frank. And like Osborn for the protestant dragon, just as the catholic pope receives authority to animate the image of the catholic dragon, similarly, Ewald Frank and Brother Branham’s children are today, the two seals of the physical manifestation of Satan who receive authority to animate the image of the branhamist dragon. [Ed: the congregation says: Amen!]. You see? Oh! That came like a prophecy. You see? 70 These two animals are the two spirits that animate all this diversity of branhamist species who do not have any relationship with one another and who cannot have the holy communion with one another… 71 Well, let’s come back a little again…Through the Bible, we, men of the nations, we see what behaviour people had before the prophets and what characterizes a true prophet. But what saves us is our behaviour before the Message of our time. 72 If you think that all that is in such and such book of the Bible helps you have a good position before the Message of your time, that’s very good because that is the greatest goal of the Bible. But if you think that the Message of this prophet to the Jews is what you must accept to be saved while living a good life, don’t you believe it! Reread your Bible and you will see that the Message of that prophet to the Jews is different from the Message of the other coming prophet because it is not the same generation, it is not the same king… You see? 73 What does God want to show to the human kind through the Bible? A single, one Message: RECOGNIZE YOUR DAY AND ITS MESSAGE! 74 If the Bible does not help you recognize your day of visitation and the Message of God to your generation then it is useless to have It. The goal of the Bible is not that you believe in the Message of Malachi or Zephaniah or the Gospel of Matthew to be saved. You see? 75 Malachi, 2400 years ago. And if it is question of believing in a historical Jesus-Christ who walked in the streets of Jerusalem, all the churches would be pure of His blood. Each one would say: If I were over there, I would not join the Jews to crucify Him. 76 But God has always tried the human kind by Jesus-Christ, living in Word as in the streets of Jerusalem. You see? 77 In the days of Elijah, you’d better believe and follow Elijah and ignore all the Bible said before him rather than follow all the law and the prophets of before Elijah and reject Elijah. In the days of the Lord Jesus, you’d better believe and follow Jesus and ignore all Moses and the prophets said before him. And that is what the pharisees did not understand. God said to Elijah: Yet I have left you seven thousand in Israel whose knees that have not bowed unto Baal. Somebody might say: I did not follow Elijah but my knees have not bowed unto Baal, No! That is not possible. You have done it and you are doing it without knowing it. You see? … It is as if in the days of Noah, somebody could be saved outside Noah’s Ark… 78 This morning how many people would like to accept this Message? Please, simply raise your hands so we can pray for you. If you believe this Message, if you believe that this is the fulfillment of Mat.25:6 and that…
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 10:26:40 +0000

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