The meaning of the word Moloch/Molech is the same as the word - TopicsExpress


The meaning of the word Moloch/Molech is the same as the word which still appears in various of the middle eastern languages as Melech, Malech, Maloch and in various western european countries as Milchem and Malcolm. Its meaning is king. Its a very common word, it very often appears in various legitimate form. But here, it has reference to a baal a god. The name of this god Molech meant king, Moloch worship was state worship. The state claimed to be the true and the ultimate order, and religion was a department of state. The Moloch state claimed to have total jurisdiction over man and was therefore entitled with total sacrifice. It had absolute right over the life of man. Now this of course makes it very telling of our modern culture. Because the modern state is a Moloch state, it claims total jurisdiction over the life of man; over his income, over his property, and feels it can claim his right to live and to expropriate his life at will, apart from the law of God. But, the Scripture makes it clear that no man has the right over any mans life apart from the Word of God. One of the related commandments is in Leviticus 19:26 Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment, nor observe times. Now to modern Americans as they hear this sentence it seems as though two completely unrelated ideas are brought together and so this is an illogical sentence. First it forbids eating anything with blood, so that whatever animal is eaten has to be bled first. And then it says you shall not indulge in spiritualism and astrology or anything that involves an ungodly probing into the future. What do the two have in common? Now the ban that has to do with eating anything with blood in it goes back to a number of commandments in the Bible. But these commandments required that, whenever man killed to eat he did it only in terms of the law of God and by the permission of God. So the animals that were legitimate food were specified. Then, because all life comes from God, life can only be taken on Gods terms. Therefore as man kills to eat, that blood must be spilled upon the ground and then covered over in order that it might be returned unto God by His permission and then the food eaten with thanksgiving. So that every partaking of meat constitutes, according to Scripture, an act of thanksgiving. A kind of communion meal with God. And hence the necessity that it be eaten with thanksgiving (1 Timothy 4:3-4). So that any attempt to take life or to govern life apart from the Word of God is therefore Moloch worship! THIS IS THE CONNECTION. It constitutes an attempt by man to play at being God. To say that life is to be taken on my terms...Moloch worship claimed total jurisdiction over the life of man, over his todays and tomorrows. Just as today the state claims the right to take and conscript young men and send them to Asia or elsewhere at will! In violation of our Constitution, the provisions of which were established on Christian grounds. Similarly it claims the right to take your income, in contempt of the Law of God. It claims the right to govern you from cradle to grave, in contempt of the Law of God. In other words the state claims total right to your life and this is Moloch worship. Total jurisdiction means that the state is entitled to total sacrifice. And therefore this had to be set forth symbolically in Moloch worship periodically, in that the people would be called upon in the time of great national crisis to bring forth their children and offer them their firstborn sons on the altar of Moloch. The Moloch state comes when people reject God as King for a man or a statist king. And the first commandment declared, Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me. When Israel rejected the leadership of Samuel and Samuel went to God dejected, God told Samuel that, They have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me that I should not be King (Moloch) over them. And so Samuel told Israel the consequences of their course of action; their rejection of God. What would happen now that the state was being made king? In 1 Samuel 8:11-18 God declares the consequences of this rejection. He says because they are choosing another king and in effect by implication, another God, even though they claim they are not. First He says there will be conscription, Second there will compulsory labor, Third there will be conscription of young women as well as men, Fourth there will be an expropriation of property and livestock, Fifth the state will demand a tithe like God as its tax; this is an interesting point: God declares that when a state demands as much as ten percent of anyones income to support itself it is challenging God, it is denying God because God alone has the right as the absolute Lord and Landlord to demand that much of man. Today, the state requires far more than ten percent! It is well over forty percent that all local, state, and federal tax takes of ones income.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 05:20:26 +0000

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