The media presents black opinion as a monolithic entity when it is - TopicsExpress


The media presents black opinion as a monolithic entity when it is really a diaspora of opinion on a wide range of topics. Regrettably, black opinions like the one in the enclosed clip only gets aired on Fox News. Other media outlets impose the tired device that has been used for 40 years that goes something like this: to see how the black community is reacting, lets go to reporter X who is with Jesse Jackson this evening.... America: Isnt 40 years of this silly opinion driving technique enough? Lets put a stop to it. After 40 years of shoehorning a diaspora of opinions into the mouths of a handful of black leaders, doesnt this start to look ridiculous and manipulative? What are black leaders by the way? Why is this an accepted term? So are we to think that the news guy selecting the spokesman for the black community conducted extensive polling of the black community before s/he issued an opinion about what the black community thinks? How is black community sentiment actually measured in these circumstances? Was anyone with black skin who was handy interviewed? Did the spokesman for people with black skin contact other spokesmen with black skin to determine what black sentiment was or did he pull it out of his ass? By definition, wouldnt these techniques under sample black librarians, black business owners, black school teachers, black nursing home residents, black cops and firemen and black and black military personnel or are we supposed to believe that the black leader polled their views as well? Who benefits when black community opinion is distilled down to one opinion? Is there even an effort to assess or measure or is it really just a technique to control opinion and tell people how to think.? Is this technique used to tell black people what to think or is it used to tell white people what they should think black people think? Is it both? Hasnt America had enough of this? Isnt 40 years of this enough to begin to see through it? Isnt this demeaning that the media thinks Americans are this stupid? https://youtube/watch?v=rTyePKAsxdQ
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 12:26:11 +0000

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