The members here who keep asking Judyth Baker to post photos of - TopicsExpress


The members here who keep asking Judyth Baker to post photos of herself with Lee must not get out a lot or have much life experience. So let me explain something to you about affairs. The last thing two people who are married to others would want to do is take blackmail photos of themselves. There is always the possibility that the photos could be used against each other or against both if a third party were to get hold of them. The repercussions of an affair in the sixties were far more serious than they are today. One could lose their family, their reputation and their career if the affair were to be exposed. So if the people involved in the affair were stupid enough to take photos of themselves with their paramour, they were taking a very big chance indeed. In 1963 there were no cell phones with cameras. You had to take pictures with an actual camera. And heres another shocker. Not everyone in the USA owned a camera because they were relatively more expensive than cameras today. Furthermore, photos were not digital and you had to drop your film off at a photo lab to have it processed. That meant that many eyes saw your photos before you did. If someone in that lab wanted copies of your photos for whatever purpose, they would simply make extra copies for themselves. Since Lee knew many people in New Orleans, it would have been highly risky for him to have pictures of himself and his mistress processed where anyone could have recognized him. Today many people take photos of everything in their line of sight and post them on the internet in a matter of seconds. But in 1963 taking photos took a lot more time, effort and expense. The Judyth haters here think they are being so clever to demand something that doesnt exist. They claim that if she and Lee really had an affair there would be pictures to prove it. But in actuality, they are only exhibiting their own naiveté. If you really dont understand how the world works, maybe its time to get off the computer for awhile and go out and get some life experience. Maybe even have an affair of your own (just kidding)! You haters will never give Judyth credit for anything, and thats your prerogative. But do you really think Lee would be foolish enough to take photos with the other woman? Dont you think someone with security clearances and intelligence agency training would know better? Isnt do not get caught in compromising positions taught in Spying 101? So please give Lee some credit for having the foresight to not take photos with Judyth.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 06:10:41 +0000

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